Bushing Joint
Joint with three prismatic and three revolute primitives
Simscape /
Multibody /
The Bushing Joint block models a joint with three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom. The joint enables the follower frame to execute a spatial transformation with respect to the base frame through a sequence of three orthogonal translations and the subsequent three rotations. The figure shows the sequence in which the joint transformations occur at a given simulation time step.
The resulting frame of each transformation serves as the base frame for the following transformation. Because the 3-D rotation occurs as a sequence, it is possible for two axes to align, which causes the loss of one rotational degree of freedom. This phenomenon is known as gimbal lock.
To specify the target of the initial state for a joint primitive, use the parameters under State Targets. The targets are specified in the base frame. You can also set the priority levels for the targets. If the joint is not able to satisfy all the state targets, the priority level determines which targets to satisfy first and how closely to satisfy them. For an example, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To model damping and the spring behavior for a joint primitive, use the parameters under Internal Mechanics. Use the Damping Coefficient parameter to model energy dissipation and the Spring Stiffness parameter to model energy storage. Joint springs attempt to displace the joint primitive from its equilibrium position, and joint dampers act as energy dissipation elements. The springs and dampers are strictly linear.
To specify the limits of a joint primitive, use the parameters under Limits. The lower and upper bounds define the width of the free region. The block applies a force to accelerate the joint position back to the free region when the position exceeds the bounds. The block uses a smoothed spring-damper method to compute the force. For more information about the smoothed spring-damper method, see the Description section of the Spatial Contact Force block.
The Force, Torque, and Motion parameters in the Actuation section control the motion of the joint primitives during simulation. For more information, see Specifying Joint Actuation Inputs. Additionally, the joint block has ports that output sensing data, such as position, velocity, acceleration, force, and torque, that you can use to perform analytical tasks on a model. For more information, see Sensing and Force and Torque Sensing.
To specify the joint mode configuration, use the Mode parameter. For more details, see Mode Configuration under the Ports and Parameters sections.
Cable Robot
Models a cable robot. The robot comprises 8 independent belt-cable circuits which control the 6 degrees-of-freedom of the mover. A ball is dropped from a fixed height down the center axis of the mechanism. The mover initially starts directly below the ball and the contact is modeled between the mover and the ball such that the ball bounces elastically when striking the mover. The objective of the mover is to perform increasingly complex maneuvers between successive bounces of the ball. The mover is motion actuated from which the necessary cable, pulley, and motor spool kinematics are computed.
B — Base frame
Base frame of the joint block.
F — Follower frame
Follower frame of the joint block.
fx — Actuation force
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the actuation force for the joint primitive. The block applies the force equally and oppositely to the base and follower frames of the joint along the x-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Actuation, set Force to Provided by Input
px — Motion profile
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the motion profile for the joint primitive. The block uses this signal to determine the displacement of the follower frame with respect to the base frame along the x-axis of the base frame. The signal must also contain the first and second derivatives of the displacement.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Actuation, set Motion to Provided by Input
fy — Actuation force
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the actuation force for the joint primitive. The block applies this force equally and oppositely to the base and follower frames of the joint along the y-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Actuation, set Force to Provided by Input
py — Motion profile
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the motion profile for the joint primitive. The block uses this signal to determine the displacement of the follower frame with respect to the base frame along the y-axis of the base frame. The signal must also contain the first and second derivatives of the displacement.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Actuation, set Motion to Provided by Input
fz — Actuation force
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the actuation force for the joint primitive. The block applies this force equally and oppositely to the base and follower frames of the joint along the z-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Actuation, set Force to Provided by
pz — Motion profile
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the motion profile for the joint primitive. The block uses this signal to determine the displacement of the follower frame with respect to the base frame along the z-axis of the base frame. The signal must also contain the first and second derivatives of the displacement.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Actuation, set Motion to Provided by
tx — Actuation torque
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the actuation torque for the joint primitive. The block applies this torque equally and oppositely to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive. The torque is about the x-axis of the base frame. The x-axes of the follower and base frames align with each other during simulation.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Actuation, set Torque to Provided by Input
qx — Motion profile
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the motion profile for the joint primitive. The block uses this signal to determine the rotation of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the x-axis of the base frame. The signal must also contain the first and second derivatives of the rotation.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Actuation, set Motion to Provided by Input
ty — Actuation torque
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the actuation torque for the joint primitive. The block applies this torque equally and oppositely to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive. The torque is about the y-axis of the base frame. The y-axes of the follower and base frames align with each other during simulation.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Actuation, set Torque to Provided by Input
qy — Motion profile
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the motion profile for the joint primitive. The block uses this signal to determine the rotation of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the y-axis of the base frame. The signal must also contain the first and second derivatives of the rotation.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Actuation, set Motion to Provided by Input
tz — Actuation torque
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the actuation torque for the joint primitive. The block applies this torque equally and oppositely to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive. The torque is about the z-axis of the base frame. The z-axes of the follower and base frames align with each other during simulation.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Actuation, set Torque to Provided by Input
qz — Motion profile
physical signal
Physical signal input port that accepts the motion profile for the joint primitive. The block uses this signal to determine the rotation of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the z-axis of the base frame. The signal must also contain the first and second derivatives of the rotation.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Actuation, set Motion to Provided by Input
mode — Joint mode control
physical signal
Input port that controls the mode of the joint. The signal must be a unitless scalar. The
joint mode is normal when the input signal is 0
, disengaged when
the input signal is -1
, and locked when the input signal is
. You can change the mode at any time during the
The table shows how the position and velocity of the joint change during transitions between modes.
Transitions | Position | Velocity |
Normal to Locked | The joint position retains the current value and remains constant after the transition. | The joint velocity becomes zero and remains constant after the transition. |
Normal to Disengaged | The joint position retains the current value but can change in any direction after the transition. | The joint velocity retains the current value but can change in any direction after the transition. |
Locked to Normal | The joint position retains the current value but can change in the directions aligned with the joint degrees of freedom (DOFs) after the transition. | The joint velocity remains at zero but can change in the directions aligned with the joint DOFs after the transition. |
Locked to Disengaged | The joint position retains the current value but can change in any direction after the transition. | The joint velocity remains at zero but can change in any direction after the transition. |
Disengaged to Normal | For the directions aligned with the joint DOFs, the joint positions initially take values calculated by using Newton's method and can change thereafter. In the constrained directions, the joint positions become zero and remain constant after the transition. | For the directions aligned with the joint DOFs, the joint velocities initially take values calculated by using Newton's method and can change thereafter. In the constrained directions, the joint velocities become zero and remain constant after the transition. |
Disengaged to Locked | For the directions aligned with the joint DOFs, the joint positions initially take values calculated by using Newton's method and remain constant after the transition. In the constrained directions, the joint positions become zero and remain constant after the transition. | The joint velocity becomes zero and remains constant after the transition. |
To enable this port, under Mode Configuration, set Mode to Provided by Input
px — Position of primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the position of the joint primitive. The value is the displacement of the follower frame with respect to the base frame in the x-direction of the base frame.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Sensing, select Position.
vx — Velocity of primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the velocity of the joint primitive. The value is the first derivative of the signal from the port px.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Sensing, select Velocity.
ax — Acceleration of primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the acceleration of the joint primitive. The value is the second derivative of the signal from the port px.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Sensing, select Acceleration.
fx — Actuator force acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the actuator force acting on the joint primitive.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Sensing, select Actuator Force.
fllx — Lower-limit force
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the lower-limit force. The block applies this force when the joint primitive position is less than the lower bound of the free region. The block applies this force to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Sensing, select Lower-Limit Force.
fulx — Upper-limit force
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the upper-limit force. The block applies this force when the joint primitive position exceeds the upper bound of the free region. The block applies this force to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under X Prismatic Primitive (Px) > Sensing, select Upper-Limit Force.
py — Position of primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the position of the joint primitive. The value is the displacement of the follower frame with respect to the base frame in the y-direction of the base frame.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Sensing, select Position.
vy — Velocity of primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the velocity of the joint primitive. The value is the first derivative of the signal from the port py.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Sensing, select Velocity.
ay — Acceleration of primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the acceleration of the joint primitive. The value is the second derivative of the signal from the port py.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Sensing, select Acceleration.
fy — Actuator force acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the actuator force acting on the joint primitive.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Sensing, select Actuator Force.
flly — Lower-limit force
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the lower-limit force. The block applies this force when the joint primitive position is less than the lower bound of the free region. The block applies this force to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Sensing, select Lower-Limit Force.
fuly — Upper-limit force
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the upper-limit force. The block applies this force when the joint primitive position exceeds the upper bound of the free region. The block applies this force to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Y Prismatic Primitive (Py) > Sensing, select Upper-Limit Force.
pz — Position of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the position of the joint primitive. The value is the displacement of the follower frame with respect to the base frame in the z-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Sensing, select Position.
vz — Velocity of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the velocity of the joint primitive. The value is the first derivative of the signal from the port pz.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Sensing, select Velocity.
az — Acceleration of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the acceleration of the joint primitive. The value is the second derivative of the signal from the port pz.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Sensing, select Acceleration.
fz — Actuator force acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the actuator force acting on the joint primitive.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Sensing, select Actuator Force.
fllz — Lower-limit force acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the lower-limit force. The block applies this force when the joint primitive position is less than the lower bound of the free region. The block applies this force to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Sensing, select Lower-Limit Force.
fulz — Upper-limit force acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the upper-limit force. The block applies this force when the joint primitive position exceeds the upper bound of the free region. The block applies this force to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz) > Sensing, select Upper-Limit Force.
qx — Position of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the position of the joint primitive. The value is the rotation angle of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the x-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Sensing, select Position.
wx — Angular velocity of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the angular velocity of the joint primitive. The value is the first derivative of the signal from the port qx.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Sensing, select Velocity.
bx — Angular acceleration of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the angular acceleration of the joint primitive. The value is the second derivative of the signal from the port qx.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Sensing, select Acceleration.
tx — Actuator torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the actuator torque acting on the joint primitive.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Sensing, select Actuator Torque.
tllx — Lower-limit torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the lower-limit torque. The block applies this torque when the joint primitive position is less than the lower bound of the free region. The block applies this torque to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Sensing, select Lower-Limit Torque.
tulx — Upper-limit torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the upper-limit torque. The block applies this torque when the joint primitive position exceeds the upper bound of the free region. The block applies this torque to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under X Revolute Primitive (Rx) > Sensing, select Upper-Limit Torque.
qy — Position of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the position of the joint primitive. The value is the rotation angle of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the y-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Sensing, select Position.
wy — Angular velocity of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the angular velocity of the joint primitive. The value is the first derivative of the signal from the port qy.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Sensing, select Velocity.
by — Angular acceleration of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the angular acceleration of the joint primitive. The value is the second derivative of the signal from the port qy.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Sensing, select Acceleration.
ty — Actuator torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the actuator torque acting on the joint primitive.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Sensing, select Actuator Torque.
tlly — Lower-limit torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the lower-limit torque. The block applies this torque when the joint primitive position is less than the lower bound of the free region. The block applies this torque to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Sensing, select Lower-Limit Torque.
tuly — Upper-limit torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the upper-limit torque. The block applies this torque when the joint primitive position exceeds the upper bound of the free region. The block applies this torque to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Y Revolute Primitive (Ry) > Sensing, select Upper-Limit Torque.
qz — Position of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the position of the joint primitive. The value is the rotation angle of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the z-axis of the base frame.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Sensing, select Position.
wz — Angular velocity of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the angular velocity of the joint primitive. The value is the first derivative of the signal from the port qz.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Sensing, select Velocity.
bz — Angular acceleration of joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the angular acceleration of the joint primitive. The value is the second derivative of the signal from the port qz.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Sensing, select Acceleration.
tz — Actuator torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the actuator torque acting on the joint primitive.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Sensing, select Actuator Torque.
tllz — Lower-limit torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the lower-limit torque. The block applies this torque when the joint primitive position is less than the lower bound of the free region. The block applies this torque to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Sensing, select Lower-Limit Torque.
tulz — Upper-limit torque acting on joint primitive
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the upper-limit torque. The block applies this torque when the joint primitive position exceeds the upper bound of the free region. The block applies this torque to both the base and follower frames of the joint primitive in order to accelerate the relative position back to the free region.
To enable this port, under Z Revolute Primitive (Rz) > Sensing, select Upper-Limit Torque.
fc — Constraint force
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the constraint forces that act across the joint. The force maintains the translational constraints of the joint. For more information, see Measure Joint Constraint Forces.
To enable this port, under Composite Force/Torque Sensing, select Constraint Force.
tc — Constraint torque
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the constraint torques that act across the joint. The torque maintains the rotational constraints of the joint. For more information, see Force and Torque Sensing.
To enable this port, under Composite Force/Torque Sensing, select Constraint Torque.
ft — Total force
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the total force that acts across the joint. The total force is the sum of the forces transmitted from one frame to the other through the joint. The force includes the actuation, internal, limit, and constraint forces. See Force and Torque Sensing for more information.
To enable this port, under Composite Force/Torque Sensing, select Total Force.
tt — Total torque
physical signal
Physical signal port that outputs the total torque that acts across the joint. The total torque is the sum of the torques transmitted from one frame to the other through the joint. The torque includes the actuation, internal, limit, and constraint torques. For more information, see Force and Torque Sensing.
To enable this port, under Composite Force/Torque Sensing, select Total Torque.
To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.
X Prismatic Primitive (Px)
State TargetsSpecify Position Target — Whether to specify position target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the position target for the x prismatic primitive.
Priority — Priority level of position target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the position target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Value — Position target
0 m
(default) | scalar
Position target of the x prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Specify Velocity Target — Whether to specify linear velocity target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the linear velocity target for the x prismatic primitive.
Priority — Priority level of linear velocity target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the linear velocity target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Value — Velocity target
0 m/s
(default) | scalar
Linear velocity target for the x prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear velocity.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Equilibrium Position — Position where internal force is zero
0 m
(default) | scalar
Position where the spring force is zero, specified as a scalar in units of length.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of force law
0 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the internal spring-damper force law for the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient of force law
0 N(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient of the internal spring-damper force law for the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
Specify Lower Limit — Whether to specify lower position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the lower limit of the x prismatic primitive.
Bound — Lower bound of free region
-1 m
(default) | scalar
Lower bound of the free region of the x prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at lower bound
1e6 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the lower bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at lower bound
1e3 N/(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the lower bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper forces
1e-4 m
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper forces, specified as a scalar in units of length.
The block applies the full value of the lower-limit force when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Specify Upper Limit — Whether to specify upper position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the upper limit of the x prismatic primitive.
Bound — Upper bound of free region
1 m
(default) | scalar
Upper bound for the free region of the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at upper bound
1e6 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the upper bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at upper bound
1e3 N/(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the upper bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper forces
1e-4 m
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper forces, specified as a scalar in units of length.
The block applies the full value of the upper-limit force when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Force — Option to provide actuator force
(default) | Provided by Input
| Automatically Computed
Option to provide the actuator force for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Force Setting | Description |
None | No actuator force. |
Provided by Input | The input port fx specifies the actuator force for the x prismatic primitive. |
Automatically Computed | The block automatically calculates the amount of force
required to satisfy the motion inputs to the mechanism. If you
set this parameter to Automatically
Computed , you do not need to set
Motion to Provided by
Input for the same joint primitive. The
automatically computed force may satisfy a motion input
elsewhere in the mechanism. |
Motion — Option to provide motion
Automatically Computed
(default) | Provided by Input
Option to provide the motion for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Motion Setting | Description |
Automatically Computed | The block computes and applies the joint primitive motion based on the model dynamics. |
Provided by Input | The input port px specifies the motion for the joint primitive. |
Y Prismatic Primitive (Py)
State TargetsSpecify Position Target — Whether to specify position target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the position target for the y prismatic primitive.
Priority — Priority level of position target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the position target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Value — Position target
0 m
(default) | scalar
Position target of the y prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Specify Velocity Target — Whether to specify linear velocity target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the linear velocity target for the y prismatic primitive.
Priority — Priority level of linear velocity target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the linear velocity target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Value — Velocity target
0 m/s
(default) | scalar
Linear velocity target for the y prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear velocity.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Equilibrium Position — Position where internal force is zero
0 m
(default) | scalar
Position where the spring force is zero, specified as a scalar in units of length.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of force law
0 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the internal spring-damper force law for the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient of force law
0 N(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient of the internal spring-damper force law for the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
Specify Lower Limit — Whether to specify lower position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the lower limit of the y prismatic primitive.
Bound — Lower bound of free region
-1 m
(default) | scalar
Lower bound of the free region of the y prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at lower bound
1e6 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the lower bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at lower bound
1e3 N/(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the lower bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper forces
1e-4 m
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper forces, specified as a scalar in units of length.
The block applies the full value of the lower-limit force when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Specify Upper Limit — Whether to specify upper position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the upper limit of the y prismatic primitive.
Bound — Upper bound of free region
1 m
(default) | scalar
Upper bound for the free region of the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at upper bound
1e6 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the upper bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at upper bound
1e3 N/(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the upper bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper forces
1e-4 m
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper forces, specified as a scalar in units of length.
The block applies the full value of the upper-limit force when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Force — Option to provide actuator force
(default) | Provided by Input
| Automatically Computed
Option to provide the actuator force for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Force Setting | Description |
None | No actuator force. |
Provided by Input | The input port fy specifies the actuator force for the y prismatic primitive. |
Automatically Computed | The block automatically calculates the amount of force
required to satisfy the motion inputs to the mechanism. If you
set this parameter to Automatically
Computed , you do not need to set
Motion to Provided by
Input for the same joint primitive. The
automatically computed force may satisfy a motion input
elsewhere in the mechanism. |
Motion — Option to provide motion
Automatically Computed
(default) | Provided by Input
Option to provide the motion for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Motion Setting | Description |
Automatically Computed | The block computes and applies the joint primitive motion based on the model dynamics. |
Provided by Input | The input port py specifies the motion for the joint primitive. |
Z Prismatic Primitive (Pz)
State TargetsSpecify Position Target — Whether to specify position target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the position target for the z prismatic primitive.
Priority — Priority level of position target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the position target, specified as High (desired)
or Low (approximate)
For more information, see the Guiding Assembly
section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Value — Position target
0 m
(default) | scalar
Position target of the z prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Specify Velocity Target — Whether to specify linear velocity target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the linear velocity target for the z prismatic primitive.
Priority — Priority level of linear velocity target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the linear velocity target, specified as High
or Low
. For more information,
see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Value — Velocity target
(default) | scalar
Linear velocity target for the z prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear velocity.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Equilibrium Position — Position where internal force is zero
0 m
(default) | scalar
Position where the spring force is zero, specified as a scalar in units of length.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of force law
0 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the internal spring-damper force law for the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient of force law
0 N(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient of the internal spring-damper force law for the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
Specify Lower Limit — Whether to specify lower position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the lower limit of the z prismatic primitive.
Bound — Lower bound of free region
-1 m
(default) | scalar
Lower bound of the free region of the z prismatic primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at lower bound
1e6 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the lower bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at lower bound
1e3 N/(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the lower bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper forces
1e-4 m
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper forces, specified as a scalar in units of length.
The block applies the full value of the lower-limit force when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Specify Upper Limit — Whether to specify upper position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the upper limit of the z prismatic primitive.
Bound — Upper bound of free region
1 m
(default) | scalar
Upper bound for the free region of the joint primitive, specified as a scalar in units of length.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at upper bound
1e6 N/m
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the upper bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at upper bound
1e3 N/(m/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the upper bound, specified as a scalar in units of linear damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper forces
1e-4 m
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper forces, specified as a scalar in units of length.
The block applies the full value of the upper-limit force when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Force — Option to provide actuator force
(default) | Provided by Input
| Automatically Computed
Option to provide the actuator force for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Force Setting | Description |
None | No actuator force. |
Provided by Input | The input port fz specifies the actuator force for the z prismatic primitive. |
Automatically Computed | The block automatically calculates the amount of force required to satisfy the motion inputs
to the mechanism. If you set this parameter to
Automatically Computed ,
you do not need to set Motion
to Provided by Input
for the same joint primitive. The automatically
computed force may satisfy a motion input
elsewhere in the mechanism. |
Motion — Option to provide motion
Automatically Computed
(default) | Provided by Input
Option to provide the motion for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Motion Setting | Description |
Automatically Computed | The block computes and applies the joint primitive motion based on the model dynamics. |
Provided by Input | The input port pz specifies the motion for the joint primitive. |
X Revolute Primitive (Rx)
State TargetsSpecify Position Target — Whether to specify position target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the position target of the x revolute primitive.
Priority — Priority level of position target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the position target, specified as High (desired)
or Low (approximate)
. For more information, see the
Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works..
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Value — Position target
0 deg
(default) | scalar
Position target of the x revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Specify Velocity Target — Whether to specify angular velocity target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the angular velocity target for the x revolute primitive.
Priority — Priority level of velocity target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the angular velocity target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Value — Velocity target
0 deg/s
(default) | scalar
Angular velocity target of the x revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angular velocity.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Equilibrium Position — Position where internal torque is zero
0 deg
(default) | scalar
Position where the spring torque is zero, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of force law
0 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the internal spring-damper force law for the x revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient of force law
0 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient of the internal spring-damper force law for the x revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
Specify Lower Limit — Whether to specify lower position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the lower limit of the x revolute primitive.
Bound — Lower bound of free region
-90 deg
(default) | scalar
Lower bound for the free region of the x revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at lower bound
1e4 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the lower bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at lower bound
10 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the lower bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper torques
0.1 deg
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper torques, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
The block applies the full value of the lower-limit torque when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Specify Upper Limit — Whether to specify upper position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the upper limit of the x revolute primitive.
Bound — Upper bound of free region
90 deg
(default) | scalar
Upper bound for the free region of the x revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at upper bound
1e4 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the upper bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at upper bound
10 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the upper bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper torques
0.1 deg
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper torques, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
The block applies the full value of the upper-limit torque when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Torque — Option to provide actuator torque
(default) | Provided by Input
| Automatically Computed
Option to provide the actuator torque for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Torque Setting | Description |
None | No actuator torque. |
Provided by Input | The input port tx specifies the actuator torque for the x revolute primitive. |
Automatically Computed | The block computes the torque automatically. If you set this parameter to Automatically Computed , you do not need to set Motion to Provided by Input for the for the same joint primitive. The automatically computed torque may satisfy a motion input somewhere else in the mechanism. |
Motion — Option to provide motion
Automatically Computed
(default) | Provided by Input
Option to provide the motion for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Motion Setting | Description |
Automatically computed | The block computes and applies the joint primitive motion based on model dynamics. |
Provided by Input | The input port qx specifies the motion for the x revolute primitive. |
Y Revolute Primitive (Ry)
State TargetsSpecify Position Target — Whether to specify position target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the position target of the y revolute primitive.
Priority — Priority level of position target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the position target, specified as High (desired)
or Low (approximate)
. For more information, see the
Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Value — Position target
0 deg
(default) | scalar
Position target of the y revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Specify Velocity Target — Whether to specify angular velocity target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the angular velocity target for the y revolute primitive.
Priority — Priority level of velocity target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the angular velocity target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Value — Velocity target
0 deg/s
(default) | scalar
Angular velocity target of the y revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angular velocity.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Equilibrium Position — Position where internal torque is zero
0 deg
(default) | scalar
Position where the spring torque is zero, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of force law
0 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the internal spring-damper force law for the y revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient of force law
0 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient of the internal spring-damper force law for the y revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
Specify Lower Limit — Whether to specify lower position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the lower limit of the y revolute primitive.
Bound — Lower bound of free region
-90 deg
(default) | scalar
Lower bound for the free region of the y revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at lower bound
1e4 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the lower bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at lower bound
10 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the lower bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper torques
0.1 deg
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper torques, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
The block applies the full value of the lower-limit torque when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Specify Upper Limit — Whether to specify upper position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the upper limit of the y revolute primitive.
Bound — Upper bound of free region
90 deg
(default) | scalar
Upper bound for the free region of the y revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at upper bound
1e4 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the upper bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at upper bound
10 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the upper bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper torques
0.1 deg
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper torques, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
The block applies the full value of the upper-limit torque when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Torque — Option to provide actuator torque
(default) | Provided by Input
| Automatically Computed
Option to provide the actuator torque for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Torque Setting | Description |
None | No actuator torque. |
Provided by Input | The input port ty specifies the actuator torque for the y revolute primitive. |
Automatically Computed | The block computes the torque automatically. If you set this parameter to Automatically Computed , you do not need to set Motion to Provided by Input for the for the same joint primitive. The automatically computed torque may satisfy a motion input somewhere else in the mechanism. |
Motion — Option to provide motion
Automatically Computed
(default) | Provided by Input
Option to provide the motion for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Motion Setting | Description |
Automatically computed | The block computes and applies the joint primitive motion based on model dynamics. |
Provided by Input | The input port qy specifies the motion for the y revolute primitive. |
Z Revolute Primitive (Rz)
State TargetsSpecify Position Target — Whether to specify position target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the position target of the z revolute primitive.
Priority — Priority level of position target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the position target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Value — Position target
0 deg
(default) | scalar
Position target of the z revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Position Target.
Specify Velocity Target — Whether to specify angular velocity target
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the angular velocity target for the z revolute primitive.
Priority — Priority level of velocity target
High (desired)
(default) | Low (approximate)
Priority level of the angular velocity target, specified as High
or Low (approximate)
. For
more information, see the Guiding Assembly section of How Multibody Assembly Works.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Value — Velocity target
0 deg/s
(default) | scalar
Angular velocity target of the z revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angular velocity.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Velocity Target.
Equilibrium Position — Position where internal torque is zero
0 deg
(default) | scalar
Position where the spring torque is zero, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of force law
0 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the internal spring-damper force law for the z revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient of force law
0 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient of the internal spring-damper force law for the z revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
Specify Lower Limit — Whether to specify lower position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the lower limit of the z revolute primitive.
Bound — Lower bound of free region
-90 deg
(default) | scalar
Lower bound for the free region of the z revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at lower bound
1e4 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the lower bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at lower bound
10 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the lower bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper torques
0.1 deg
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper torques, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
The block applies the full value of the lower-limit torque when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Lower Limit.
Specify Upper Limit — Whether to specify upper position limit
(default) | on
Select this parameter to specify the upper limit of the z revolute primitive.
Bound — Upper bound of free region
90 deg
(default) | scalar
Upper bound for the free region of the z revolute primitive, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Spring Stiffness — Stiffness of spring at upper bound
1e4 N*m/deg
(default) | scalar
Stiffness of the spring at the upper bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of torsional stiffness.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Damping Coefficient — Damping coefficient at upper bound
10 N*m/(deg/s)
(default) | scalar
Damping coefficient at the upper bound, specified as a scalar with a unit of damping coefficient.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Transition Region Width — Region to smooth spring and damper torques
0.1 deg
(default) | scalar
Region to smooth the spring and damper torques, specified as a scalar with a unit of angle.
The block applies the full value of the upper-limit torque when the penetration reaches the width of the transition region. The smaller the region, the sharper the onset of forces and the smaller the time step required of the solver. In the tradeoff between simulation accuracy and simulation speed, reducing the transition region improves accuracy and expanding it improves speed.
To enable this parameter, select Specify Upper Limit.
Torque — Option to provide actuator torque
(default) | Provided by Input
| Automatically Computed
Option to provide the actuator torque for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Torque Setting | Description |
None | No actuator torque. |
Provided by Input | The input port tz specifies the actuator torque for the z revolute primitive. |
Automatically Computed | The block computes the torque automatically. If you set this
parameter to Automatically Computed ,
you do not need to set Motion to
Provided by Input for the for
the same joint primitive. The automatically computed torque may
satisfy a motion input somewhere else in the mechanism. |
Motion — Option to provide motion
Automatically Computed
(default) | Provided by Input
Option to provide the motion for the joint primitive, specified as one of these values:
Motion Setting | Description |
Automatically computed | The block computes and applies the joint primitive motion based on model dynamics. |
Provided by Input | The input port qz specifies the motion for the z revolute primitive. |
Mode Configuration
Mode — Joint mode
(default) | Locked
| Disengaged
| Provided by Input
Joint mode for the simulation, specified as one of these values:
Mode | Description |
Locked | Locked mode constrains all the degrees of freedom (DOFs) for the joint. The locked joint maintains its initial assembly position with zero velocity during the simulation. The joint block can sense forces or torques in accordance with the settings of the Internal Mechanics, Limits, and Actuation parameters. |
Normal | Normal mode enables the DOFs and the constraints of the joint work as intended during the simulation. |
Disengaged | Disengaged mode releases the joint from all constraints throughout the simulation. The settings for Internal Mechanics, Limits, and Actuation parameters do not affect the disengaged joint. All output ports output zero. |
Provided by Input | The Provided by Input option allows you to specify the joint mode
by using an input signal. For more information, see the port
mode in the Input
section. |
Composite Force/Torque Sensing
Direction — Measurement direction
Follower on Base
(default) | Base on Follower
Measurement direction, specified as one of these values:
Follower on Base
— The block senses the force and torque that the follower frame exerts on the base frame.Base on Follower
— The block senses the force and torque that the base frame exerts on the follower frame.
This parameter affects only the output signals under the Composite Force/Torque Sensing section. Reversing the direction changes the sign of the measurements. For more information, see Force and Torque Measurement Direction.
Resolution Frame — Frame used to resolve measurements
(default) | Follower
Frame used to resolve the measurements, specified as one of these values:
— The block resolves the measurements in the coordinates of the base frame.Follower
— The block resolves the measurements in the coordinates of the follower frame.
This parameter affects only the output signals under the Composite Force/Torque Sensing section.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2012a
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