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Video Display Interface

Simulate display of images to video screen on device

Since R2021a

  • Video Display Interface block

SoC Blockset / Peripherals


The Video Display Interface block simulates the behavior of a video output device. This block receives image samples as messages from a connected Video Display block that simulates the video driver code connected to your algorithm.



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This port receives the image data as a message from the msg port of a connected Video Display block.

Data Types: SoCData


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The port outputs the unwrapped image matrix data as three heightwidth-element vectors where height and width are the dimensions of the image matrix defined by the Image Size parameter. The 3 is the multiplier for the RGB channels.


To enable this port, set the Output parameter to To output port.

Data Types: uint8


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Specify if the block acts as a terminator, similar to the Terminator block, or produces data to an output port.

Specify the height and width dimensions of the image emitted as a vector by the data port of this block. Specify custom to set custom image dimensions.

Specify custom height and width dimensions of the image matrix emitted by the data port of this block.


To enable this parameter, set the Image size parameter to custom.

Specify the image data output encoding as RGB or YCbCr 4:2:2 triplets.


To enable this parameter, set the Image size parameter to custom.

Enter the sample time defining the rate at which to receive the message containing video data.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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