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Generate report for current model and all subsystems

Since R2020b


ee_getBillOfMaterials generates a report of all subsystems for the top-level SLX model. The report is an HTML page that contains an overview of the model that generated the report, a list of the physical components from the Simscape Foundation Library and Electrical library used inside the model, and the values of the parameters for each component in the model.


ee_getBillOfMaterials(modelName) generates a report of all subsystems for the ModelName model.


reportName = ee_getBillOfMaterials(modelName) generates a report of all subsystems for the modelName model and returns the filename of the HTML report. To open the report, use the web function.



collapse all

Open the model. At the MATLAB® Command Window, enter:

The IGBTThermalExample model is the current model.

Generate the bill of materials report.


The ee_getBillOfMaterials function generates an HTML report that contains an overview of the IGBTThermalExample model, a list of the physical components from the Simscape Foundation Library and Electrical library used inside the model, and the values of the parameters for each component in the model.

Open the model. At the MATLAB Command Window, enter:

modelName = 'IGBTThermal'

Generate the bill of materials report.


The ee_getBillOfMaterials function generates an HTML report of the modelName model that contains an overview of the model, a list of the physical components from the Simscape Foundation Library and Electrical library used inside the model, and the values of the parameters for each component in the model.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of the model for which you want to generate the bill of materials report, specified as a case-sensitive string.

Output Arguments

collapse all

File name of the bill of materials report, returned as character vector.


  • The report does not include blocks that are commented out in the model.

  • If your model contains blocks or subsystems with multiple modeling options, this function only generates a report for the current active modeling option.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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