Find optimal weights for learners in regression ensemble
finds optimal weights for learners in ens1
= regularize(ens
lasso regularization. regularize
returns a RegressionEnsemble
or RegressionBaggedEnsemble
model identical to
, but with a populated
specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments.
For example, you can specify the regularization parameter values,
relative tolerance on the regularization level, and maximum number
of lasso optimization passes.ens1
= regularize(ens
Regularize Ensemble of Bagged Trees
Regularize an ensemble of bagged trees.
Generate sample data.
rng(10,"twister") % For reproducibility X = rand(2000,20); Y = repmat(-1,2000,1); Y(sum(X(:,1:5),2)>2.5) = 1;
You can create a bagged classification ensemble of 300 trees from the sample data.
bag = fitrensemble(X,Y,Method="Bag",NumLearningCycles=300);
uses a default template tree object templateTree()
as a weak learner when Method
is "Bag"
. In this example, for reproducibility, specify Reproducible=true
when you create a tree template object, and then use the object as a weak learner.
t = templateTree(Reproducible=true); % For reproducibiliy of random predictor selections bag = fitrensemble(X,Y,Method="Bag",NumLearningCycles=300,Learners=t);
Regularize the ensemble of bagged regression trees.
bag = regularize(bag,Lambda=[0.001 0.1],Verbose=1);
Starting lasso regularization for Lambda=0.001. Initial MSE=0.109923. Lasso regularization completed pass 1 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.086912 Relative change in MSE = 0.264768 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 15 Lasso regularization completed pass 2 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0670602 Relative change in MSE = 0.296029 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 34 Lasso regularization completed pass 3 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0623931 Relative change in MSE = 0.0748019 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 51 Lasso regularization completed pass 4 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0605444 Relative change in MSE = 0.0305348 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 70 Lasso regularization completed pass 5 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0599666 Relative change in MSE = 0.00963517 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 94 Lasso regularization completed pass 6 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0598835 Relative change in MSE = 0.00138719 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 105 Lasso regularization completed pass 7 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0598608 Relative change in MSE = 0.000379227 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 113 Lasso regularization completed pass 8 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0598586 Relative change in MSE = 3.72856e-05 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 115 Lasso regularization completed pass 9 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0598587 Relative change in MSE = 6.42954e-07 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 115 Lasso regularization completed pass 10 for Lambda=0.001 MSE = 0.0598587 Relative change in MSE = 4.53658e-08 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 115 Completed lasso minimization for Lambda=0.001. Resubstitution MSE changed from 0.109923 to 0.0598587. Number of learners reduced from 300 to 115. Starting lasso regularization for Lambda=0.1. Initial MSE=0.109923. Lasso regularization completed pass 1 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.104917 Relative change in MSE = 0.0477191 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 12 Lasso regularization completed pass 2 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.0851031 Relative change in MSE = 0.232821 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 30 Lasso regularization completed pass 3 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.081245 Relative change in MSE = 0.0474877 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 40 Lasso regularization completed pass 4 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.0796749 Relative change in MSE = 0.0197067 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 53 Lasso regularization completed pass 5 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.0788411 Relative change in MSE = 0.0105746 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 64 Lasso regularization completed pass 6 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.0784959 Relative change in MSE = 0.00439793 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 81 Lasso regularization completed pass 7 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.0784429 Relative change in MSE = 0.000676468 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 88 Lasso regularization completed pass 8 for Lambda=0.1 MSE = 0.078447 Relative change in MSE = 5.24449e-05 Number of learners with nonzero weights = 88 Completed lasso minimization for Lambda=0.1. Resubstitution MSE changed from 0.109923 to 0.078447. Number of learners reduced from 300 to 88.
reports on its progress.
Inspect the resulting regularization structure.
ans = struct with fields:
Method: 'Lasso'
TrainedWeights: [300x2 double]
Lambda: [1.0000e-03 0.1000]
ResubstitutionMSE: [0.0599 0.0784]
CombineWeights: @classreg.learning.combiner.WeightedSum
Check how many learners in the regularized ensemble have positive weights. These are the learners included in a shrunken ensemble.
sum(bag.Regularization.TrainedWeights > 0)
ans = 1×2
115 88
Shrink the ensemble using the weights from Lambda = 0.1
cmp = shrink(bag,weightcolumn=2)
cmp = CompactRegressionEnsemble ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ResponseTransform: 'none' NumTrained: 88
The compact ensemble contains 87
members, less than 1/3 of the original 300
Input Arguments
— Regression ensemble model
model object | RegressionBaggedEnsemble
model object
Regression ensemble model, specified as a RegressionEnsemble
or RegressionBaggedEnsemble
model object trained with fitrensemble
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: regularize(ens,MaxIter=100,Npass=5)
specifies to allow a maximum of 100 iterations to reach convergence
tolerance, and a maximum of 5 passes for lasso
— Regularization parameter values
[0 logspace(log10(Lambda_max/1000),log10(Lambda_max),9)]
(default) | vector of nonnegative scalar values
Regularization parameter values for lasso,
specified as a vector of nonnegative scalar
values. For the default setting of
, regularize
calculates the smallest
value Lambda_max
for which all
optimal weights for learners are
. The default value of
is a vector including
and nine exponentially spaced
numbers from Lambda_max/1000
Example: Lambda=[0 0.001 0.01
Data Types: single
| double
— Maximum number of iterations
(default) | positive integer
Maximum number of iterations allowed,
specified as a positive integer. If the algorithm
executes MaxIter
before reaching the convergence tolerance, then
the function stops iterating and returns a warning
message. The function can return more than one
warning when either Npass
or the number of Lambda
values is greater than
Example: MaxIter=100
Data Types: single
| double
— Maximum number of passes
(default) | positive integer
Maximum number of passes for lasso optimization, specified as a positive integer.
Example: Npass=5
Data Types: single
| double
— Relative tolerance
(default) | numeric positive scalar
Relative tolerance on the regularized loss for lasso, specified as a numeric positive scalar.
Example: Reltol=1e-4
Data Types: single
| double
— Verbosity level
(default) | 1
Verbosity level, specified as
or 1
. When
this argument is set to 1
displays more information during the
regularization process.
Example: Verbose=1
Data Types: single
| double
More About
The lasso algorithm finds an optimal set of learner weights αt that minimize
λ ≥ 0 is a parameter you provide, called the lasso parameter.
ht is a weak learner in the ensemble trained on N observations with predictors xn, responses yn, and weights wn.
g(f,y) = (f – y)2 is the squared error.
Extended Capabilities
GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
This function fully supports GPU arrays. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
Version History
Introduced in R2011a
See Also
| cvshrink
| lasso
| RegressionEnsemble
| RegressionBaggedEnsemble
| fitrensemble
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