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Add case names to plot


h = gname(cases,line_handle)


gname(cases) displays a figure window and waits for you to press a mouse button or a keyboard key. The input argument cases is a character array, string array, or cell array of character vectors, in which each row of the character array or each element of the string array or cell array contains the case name of a point. Moving the mouse over the graph displays a pair of cross-hairs. If you position the cross-hairs near a point with the mouse and click once, the graph displays the label corresponding to that point. Alternatively, you can click and drag the mouse to create a rectangle around several points. When you release the mouse button, the graph displays the labels for all points in the rectangle. Right-click a point to remove its label. When you are done labelling points, press the Enter or Escape key to stop labeling.

gname with no arguments labels each case with its case number.

cases typically contains unique case names for each point, and is a string array, cell array of character vectors, or character matrix with each row representing a name. cases can also be any grouping variable, which gname converts to labels.

h = gname(cases,line_handle) returns a vector of handles to the text objects on the plot. Use the scalar line_handle to identify the correct line if there is more than one line object on the plot.

You can use gname to label plots created by the plot, scatter, gscatter, plotmatrix, and gplotmatrix functions.


This example uses the city ratings data sets to find out which cities are the best and worst for education and the arts.

load cities
education = ratings(:,6);
arts = ratings(:,7);

Scatter plot of education versus arts. An observation near the top of the plot is labeled New York, NY.

Click the point at the top of the graph to display its label, “New York.”

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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