Discriminant analysis classifier template
a discriminant analysis learner template suitable for training ensembles
or error-correcting output code (ECOC) multiclass models.t
= templateDiscriminant()
If you specify a default template, then the software uses default values for all input arguments during training.
Specify t
as a learner in fitcensemble
or fitcecoc
a template with additional options specified by one or more name-value
pair arguments.t
= templateDiscriminant(Name,Value
For example, you can specify the discriminant type or the regularization parameter.
If you display t
in the Command Window, then
all options appear empty ([]
), except those that
you specify using name-value pair arguments. During training, the
software uses default values for empty options.
Create a Discriminant Analysis Template for Ensemble Learning
Create a nondefault discriminant analysis template for use in fitcensemble
Load Fisher's iris data set.
load fisheriris
Create a template for pseudolinear discriminant analysis.
t = templateDiscriminant('DiscrimType','pseudoLinear')
t = Fit template for classification Discriminant. DiscrimType: 'pseudoLinear' Gamma: [] Delta: [] FillCoeffs: [] SaveMemory: [] Version: 1 Method: 'Discriminant' Type: 'classification'
All properties of the template object are empty except for DiscrimType
, Method
, and Type
. When trained on, the software fills in the empty properties with their respective default values.
Specify t
as a weak learner for a classification ensemble.
Mdl = fitcensemble(meas,species,'Method','Subspace','Learners',t);
Display the in-sample (resubstitution) misclassification error.
L = resubLoss(Mdl)
L = 0.0400
Input Arguments
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'DiscrimType','pseudoLinear','SaveMemory','on'
a template for pseudolinear discriminant analysis that does not store
the full covariance matrix.
— Linear coefficient threshold
(default) | nonnegative scalar value
Linear coefficient threshold, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'Delta'
and a nonnegative scalar
value. If a coefficient of Mdl
has magnitude smaller
than Delta
, Mdl
sets this coefficient
to 0
, and you can eliminate the corresponding predictor
from the model. Set Delta
to a higher value to
eliminate more predictors.
must be 0
for quadratic
discriminant models.
Data Types: single
| double
— Discriminant type
(default) | 'quadratic'
| 'diaglinear'
| 'diagquadratic'
| 'pseudolinear'
| 'pseudoquadratic'
Discriminant type, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector or string scalar in this
Value | Description | Predictor Covariance Treatment |
'linear' | Regularized linear discriminant analysis (LDA) |
'diaglinear' | LDA | All classes have the same, diagonal covariance matrix. |
'pseudolinear' | LDA | All classes have the same covariance matrix. The software inverts the covariance matrix using the pseudo inverse. |
'quadratic' | Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) | The covariance matrices can vary among classes. |
'diagquadratic' | QDA | The covariance matrices are diagonal and can vary among classes. |
'pseudoquadratic' | QDA | The covariance matrices can vary among classes. The software inverts the covariance matrix using the pseudo inverse. |
To use regularization, you must specify 'linear'
To specify the amount of regularization, use the Gamma
pair argument.
Example: 'DiscrimType','quadratic'
— Coeffs
property flag
| 'off'
property flag, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and 'on'
. Setting the flag to 'on'
populates the
property in the classifier object. This can be
computationally intensive, especially when cross-validating. The default is
, unless you specify a cross-validation name-value pair, in
which case the flag is set to 'off'
by default.
Example: 'FillCoeffs','off'
— Amount of regularization
scalar value in the interval [0,1]
Amount of regularization to apply when estimating the covariance
matrix of the predictors, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'Gamma'
and a scalar value in the interval [0,1]. Gamma
finer control over the covariance matrix structure than DiscrimType
If you specify
, then the software does not use regularization to adjust the covariance matrix. That is, the software estimates and uses the unrestricted, empirical covariance matrix.For linear discriminant analysis, if the empirical covariance matrix is singular, then the software automatically applies the minimal regularization required to invert the covariance matrix. You can display the chosen regularization amount by entering
at the command line.For quadratic discriminant analysis, if at least one class has an empirical covariance matrix that is singular, then the software throws an error.
If you specify a value in the interval (0,1), then you must implement linear discriminant analysis, otherwise the software throws an error. Consequently, the software sets
.If you specify
, then the software uses maximum regularization for covariance matrix estimation. That is, the software restricts the covariance matrix to be diagonal. Alternatively, you can setDiscrimType
for diagonal covariance matrices.
Example: 'Gamma',1
Data Types: single
| double
— Flag to save covariance matrix
(default) | 'on'
Flag to save covariance matrix, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'SaveMemory'
and either 'on'
or 'off'
If you specify 'on'
, then fitcdiscr
not store the full covariance matrix, but instead stores enough information
to compute the matrix. The predict
method computes the full covariance
matrix for prediction, and does not store the matrix. If you specify 'off'
then fitcdiscr
computes and stores the full covariance
matrix in Mdl
Specify SaveMemory
as 'on'
the input matrix contains thousands of predictors.
Example: 'SaveMemory','on'
Output Arguments
— Discriminant analysis classification template
template object
Discriminant analysis classification template suitable for training ensembles or
error-correcting output code (ECOC) multiclass models, returned as a
template object. Pass t
to fitcensemble
or fitcecoc
to specify how to
create the discriminant analysis classifier for the ensemble or ECOC model,
If you display t
to the Command Window, then
all unspecified options appear empty ([]
). However,
the software replaces empty options with their corresponding default
values during training.
Version History
Introduced in R2014a
See Also
| fitcensemble
| predict
| fitcecoc
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