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Input variables of symbolic function or matrix function


args = argnames(f) returns the input variables of the symbolic function or matrix function f.



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Create a symbolic function.

syms f(x,y)
f(x,y) = x + y;

Find the input variables of f by using argnames.

args = argnames(f)
args = (xy)

Create another symbolic function.

syms f(a,b,x,y)
f(x,b,y,a) = a*x + b*y;

Find the input variables of f. When returning variables, argnames uses the same order as you used when you defined the function.

args = argnames(f)
args = (xbya)

Create a symbolic matrix function.

syms A B 2 matrix
syms f(A,B) 2 matrix keepargs
f(A,B) = A*B - 3*A + 2*eye(2);

Find the input variables of f by using argnames. The result is a cell array containing symbolic matrix variables.

args = argnames(f)
args=1×2 cell array
    {2x2 symmatrix}    {2x2 symmatrix}

Access the contents of the cell array by indexing into it.

arg1 = args{1}
arg1 = A
arg2 = args{2}
arg2 = B

Input Arguments

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Input function, specified as a symbolic function or symbolic matrix function.

Data Types: symfun | symfunmatrix

Output Arguments

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Input variables of a symbolic function or matrix function.

  • If f is a symbolic function of type symfun, then args is returned as a symbolic variable or a vector of symbolic variables of type sym.

  • If f is a symbolic matrix function of type symfunmatrix, then args is returned as a cell array of symbolic matrix variables of type symmatrix.

Data Types: sym | cell

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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