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Riemann zeta function


zeta(z) evaluates the Riemann zeta function at the elements of z, where z is a numeric or symbolic input.


zeta(n,z) returns the nth derivative of zeta(z).



Find Riemann Zeta Function for Numeric and Symbolic Inputs

Find the Riemann zeta function for numeric inputs.

zeta([0.7 i 4 11/3])
ans =
  -2.7784 + 0.0000i   0.0033 - 0.4182i   1.0823 + 0.0000i   1.1094 + 0.0000i

Find the Riemann zeta function symbolically by converting the inputs to symbolic objects using sym. The zeta function returns exact results.

zeta(sym([0.7 i 4 11/3]))
ans =
[ zeta(7/10), zeta(1i), pi^4/90, zeta(11/3)]

zeta returns unevaluated function calls for symbolic inputs that do not have results implemented. The implemented results are listed in Algorithms.

Find the Riemann zeta function for a matrix of symbolic expressions.

syms x y
Z = zeta([x sin(x); 8*x/11 x + y])
Z =
[        zeta(x), zeta(sin(x))]
[ zeta((8*x)/11),  zeta(x + y)]

Find Riemann Zeta Function for Large Inputs

For values of |z|>1000, zeta(z) might return an unevaluated function call. Use expand to force zeta to evaluate the function call.

ans =
ans =

Differentiate Riemann Zeta Function

Find the third derivative of the Riemann zeta function at point x.

syms x
expr = zeta(3,x)
expr =
zeta(3, x)

Find the third derivative at x = 4 by substituting 4 for x using subs.

expr = subs(expr,x,4)
expr =
zeta(3, 4)

Evaluate expr using vpa.

expr = vpa(expr)
expr =

Plot Zeros of Riemann Zeta Function

Zeros of the Riemann Zeta function zeta(x+i*y) are found along the line x = 1/2. Plot the absolute value of the function along this line for 0<y<30 to view the first three zeros.

syms y
fplot(abs(zeta(1/2+1i*y)),[0 30])
grid on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type functionline.

Input Arguments

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Input, specified as a number, vector, matrix or multidimensional array, or a symbolic number, variable, vector, matrix, multidimensional array, function or expression.

Order of derivative, specified as a nonnegative integer.

More About

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Riemann Zeta Function

The Riemann zeta function is defined by


The series converges only if the real part of z is greater than 1. The definition of the function is extended to the entire complex plane, except for a simple pole z = 1, by analytic continuation.


  • Floating point evaluation is slow for large values of n.


The following exact values are implemented.

  • ζ(0)=12

  • ζ(1,0)=log(π)2log(2)2

  • ζ()=1

  • If z<0 and z is an even integer, ζ(z)=0.

  • If z<0 and z is an odd integer


    For z<1000, zeta(z) returns an unevaluated function call. To force evaluation, use expand(zeta(z)).

  • If z>0 and z is an even integer


    For z>1000, zeta(z) returns an unevaluated function call. To force evaluation, use expand(zeta(z)).

  • If n>0, ζ(n,)=0.

  • If the argument does not evaluate to a listed special value, zeta returns the symbolic function call.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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