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Exponential of quaternion array

Since R2020b


B = exp(A) computes the exponential of the elements of the quaternion array A.



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Create a 4-by-1 quaternion array A.

A = quaternion(magic(4))
A = 4x1 quaternion array
     16 +  2i +  3j + 13k
      5 + 11i + 10j +  8k
      9 +  7i +  6j + 12k
      4 + 14i + 15j +  1k

Compute the exponential of A.

B = exp(A)
B = 4x1 quaternion array
     5.3525e+06 + 1.0516e+06i + 1.5774e+06j + 6.8352e+06k
        -57.359 -     89.189i -     81.081j -     64.865k
        -6799.1 +     2039.1i +     1747.8j +     3495.6k
          -6.66 +     36.931i +     39.569j +     2.6379k

Input Arguments

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Input quaternion, specified as a quaternion object or an array of quaternion objects of any dimensionality.

Output Arguments

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Result of quaternion exponential, returned as a quaternion object or an array of quaternion objects of the same size as A.


Given a quaternion A=a+bi+cj+dk=a+v¯, the exponential is computed by


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

See Also



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