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Add image features to database

Since R2024b


addVisualFeatures(loopDetector,viewId,features) adds ORB feature descriptors into the bag of words (BoW) loop detector database, loopDetector. The function adds features extracted from images uniquely identified by its view identifier viewId.



collapse all

Create a loop detector.

loopDetector = dbowLoopDetector;

Get query image features and assign it as the 100th view.

viewId = 100;
I = imread("cameraman.tif");
points = detectORBFeatures(I);
[features,~] = extractFeatures(I,points);

Add image features for the 100th view ID to the loop detector database.


Input Arguments

collapse all

BoW loop detector database, specified as a dbowLoopDetector object.

Unique view identifier, specified as an integer.

ORB feature descriptors, specified as a binaryFeatures object.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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