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Parameter instances in the CDFX object


iList = instanceList(cdfxObj) returns a table of every parameter instance in the CDFX object.

iList = instanceList(cdfxObj,instName) returns a table of every parameter instance in the CDFX object whose ShortName matches instName.

iList = instanceList(cdfxObj,instName,sysName) returns a table of every parameter instance in the CDFX object whose ShortName matches instName and whose parent System matches sysName.



collapse all

Create an asam.cdfx object and view its parameter instances.

cdfxObj = cdfx('c:\DataFiles\AllCategories_VCD.cdfx');
iList = instanceList(cdfxObj);
ans =

  4×4 table

       ShortName        System      Category                     Value                
    _______________    _________    _________    _____________________________________

    "VALUE_NUMERIC"    "System1"    "VALUE"      [                            12.2400]
    "VALUE_TEXT"       "System1"    "VALUE"      ["Text_Value"                       ]
    "BLOB_HEX"         "System1"    "BLOB"       ["0102030405060708 090A0B0C0D0E0F10"]
    "BOOLEAN_TEXT"     "System1"    "BOOLEAN"    [                                  1]
iList = instanceList(cdfxObj,"VALUE_NUMERIC")
iList =

  1×6 table

       ShortName        System      Category      Value      Units    FeatureReference
    _______________    _________    ________    _________    _____    ________________

    "VALUE_NUMERIC"    "System1"    "VALUE"     [12.2400]     ""          "model1"    
iList = instanceList(cdfxObj,"VALUE_NUMERIC","System1")
iList =

  1×6 table

       ShortName        System      Category      Value      Units    FeatureReference
    _______________    _________    ________    _________    _____    ________________

    "VALUE_NUMERIC"    "System1"    "VALUE"     [12.2400]     ""          "model1"    

Input Arguments

collapse all

CDFX file object, specified as an asam.cdfx object. Use the object to access the calibration data.

Example: cdfx()

Instance name, specified as a string.


Data Types: string

Parent system name, specified as a string.

Example: "System2"

Data Types: string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Instance list, returned as a table.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also


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