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Information about signals in CAN message


SigInfo = signalInfo(candb,msgName) returns information about the signals in the specified CAN message msgName in the specified database candb.


SigInfo = signalInfo(candb,id,extended) returns information about the signals in the message with the specified standard or extended ID id in the specified database candb.


SigInfo = signalInfo(candb,id,extended,signalName) returns information about the specified signal 'signalName' in the message with the specified standard or extended ID id in the specified database candb.



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Get signal information from the message 'Battery_Voltage'.

SigInfo = signalInfo(candb,'Battery_Voltage');

Get signal information from the message with ID 196608.

SigInfo = signalInfo(candb,196608,true);

Get information from the signal named 'BatVlt' from message 196608.

SigInfo = signalInfo(candb,196608,true,'BatVlt');

Input Arguments

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CAN database, specified as a CAN database object, that contains the signals that you want information about.

Example: candb = canDatabase('C:\Database.dbc')

Message name, specified as a character vector or string. Provide the name of the message that contains the signals that you want information about.

Example: 'Battery_Voltage'

Data Types: char | string

Message identifier, specified as a numeric value. Provide the numeric identifier of the specified message that contains the signals you want information about.

Example: 196608

Extended message indicator, specified as true or false. Indicate whether the message ID is standard or extended type. Use the logical value true if extended, or false if standard.

Example: true

Data Types: logical

Name of the signal, specified as a character vector or string. Provide the name of the specific signal that you want information about.

Example: 'BatVlt'

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Signal information, returned as a structure or array of structures.

Data Types: struct

Version History

Introduced in R2009a