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Get Started with J1939 Communication in MATLAB

This example shows you how to create and use J1939 channels to transmit and receive parameter groups on a J1939 network. This example uses the database file J1939.dbc and MathWorks® virtual CAN channels connected in a loopback configuration.

Open the DBC File

Open the DBC file using canDatabase to access the definitions.

db = canDatabase("J1939.dbc")
db = 
  Database with properties:

             Name: 'J1939'
             Path: 'C:\Users\michellw\OneDrive - MathWorks\Documents\MATLAB\Examples\vnt-ex33605241\J1939.dbc'
            Nodes: {2×1 cell}
         NodeInfo: [2×1 struct]
         Messages: {2×1 cell}
      MessageInfo: [2×1 struct]
       Attributes: {3×1 cell}
    AttributeInfo: [3×1 struct]
         UserData: []

Create the J1939 Channels

Use the function j1939Channel to create J1939 channels on which you can send and receive information.

txCh = j1939Channel(db, "MathWorks", "Virtual 1", 1)
txCh = 
  Channel with properties:

   Device Information:
                  DeviceVendor: 'MathWorks'
                        Device: 'Virtual 1'
            DeviceChannelIndex: 1
            DeviceSerialNumber: 0

   Data Details:
      ParameterGroupsAvailable: 0
       ParameterGroupsReceived: 0
    ParameterGroupsTransmitted: 0
                FilterPassList: []
               FilterBlockList: []

   Channel Information:
                       Running: 0
                     BusStatus: 'N/A'
          InitializationAccess: 1
              InitialTimestamp: [0×0 datetime]
                    SilentMode: 0
               TransceiverName: 'N/A'
              TransceiverState: 'N/A'
                      BusSpeed: 500000
                           SJW: []
                         TSEG1: []
                         TSEG2: []
                  NumOfSamples: []

   Other Information:
                      UserData: []

rxCh = j1939Channel(db, "MathWorks", "Virtual 1", 2)
rxCh = 
  Channel with properties:

   Device Information:
                  DeviceVendor: 'MathWorks'
                        Device: 'Virtual 1'
            DeviceChannelIndex: 2
            DeviceSerialNumber: 0

   Data Details:
      ParameterGroupsAvailable: 0
       ParameterGroupsReceived: 0
    ParameterGroupsTransmitted: 0
                FilterPassList: []
               FilterBlockList: []

   Channel Information:
                       Running: 0
                     BusStatus: 'N/A'
          InitializationAccess: 1
              InitialTimestamp: [0×0 datetime]
                    SilentMode: 0
               TransceiverName: 'N/A'
              TransceiverState: 'N/A'
                      BusSpeed: 500000
                           SJW: []
                         TSEG1: []
                         TSEG2: []
                  NumOfSamples: []

   Other Information:
                      UserData: []

Create the J1939 Parameter Groups

Use the function j1939ParameterGroup to create a single-frame parameter group to send on the network.

pgSingleFrame = j1939ParameterGroup(db, "VehicleDataSingle")
pgSingleFrame = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataSingle'
                   PGN: 40192
              Priority: 6
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 254
    DestinationAddress: 254

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

Set transmission details and signal data.

pgSingleFrame.SourceAddress = 30;
pgSingleFrame.DestinationAddress = 50;
pgSingleFrame.Signals.VehicleSignal1 = 25;
pgSingleFrame.Signals.VehicleSignal2 = 1000;
ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal4: -1
    VehicleSignal3: -1
    VehicleSignal2: 1000
    VehicleSignal1: 25

Using the same approach, create a multi-frame parameter group, then set transmission details and signal data.

pgMultiFrame = j1939ParameterGroup(db, "VehicleDataMulti")
pgMultiFrame = 
  ParameterGroup with properties:

   Protocol Data Unit Details:
                  Name: 'VehicleDataMulti'
                   PGN: 51200
              Priority: 6
         PDUFormatType: 'Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)'
         SourceAddress: 254
    DestinationAddress: 254

   Data Details:
             Timestamp: 0
                  Data: [255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]
               Signals: [1×1 struct]

   Other Information:
              UserData: []

pgMultiFrame.SourceAddress = 30;
pgMultiFrame.DestinationAddress = 255;
pgMultiFrame.Signals.VehicleSignal1 = 5;
pgMultiFrame.Signals.VehicleSignal2 = 650;
pgMultiFrame.Signals.VehicleSignal3 = 5000;
ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal6: -1
    VehicleSignal5: -1
    VehicleSignal4: -1
    VehicleSignal3: 5000
    VehicleSignal2: 650
    VehicleSignal1: 5

Start the J1939 Channels

Use the function start to start the J1939 channels for transmit and receive operations.


Send J1939 Parameter Groups

The transmit function sends parameter groups onto the network. The J1939 channel automatically sends parameter groups requiring multi-frame messaging via its transport protocol.

transmit(txCh, pgSingleFrame)
transmit(txCh, pgSingleFrame)
transmit(txCh, pgMultiFrame)
transmit(txCh, pgSingleFrame)
transmit(txCh, pgSingleFrame)

Receive the Parameter Groups

The receive function retrieves information from the channel which represents messaging that occurred on the network.

pgRx = receive(rxCh, Inf)
pgRx=5×8 timetable
       Time              Name            PGN     Priority        PDUFormatType        SourceAddress    DestinationAddress                        Data                          Signals   
    ___________    _________________    _____    ________    _____________________    _____________    __________________    ____________________________________________    ____________

    0.13955 sec    VehicleDataSingle    40192       6        Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)         30                  50            {[              25 0 232 3 255 255 255 255]}    {1×1 struct}
    0.14347 sec    VehicleDataSingle    40192       6        Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)         30                  50            {[              25 0 232 3 255 255 255 255]}    {1×1 struct}
    0.59386 sec    VehicleDataMulti     51200       6        Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)         30                 255            {[5 0 138 2 136 19 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1×1 struct}
    0.76564 sec    VehicleDataSingle    40192       6        Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)         30                  50            {[              25 0 232 3 255 255 255 255]}    {1×1 struct}
    0.7702 sec     VehicleDataSingle    40192       6        Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)         30                  50            {[              25 0 232 3 255 255 255 255]}    {1×1 struct}

Inspect Received Parameter Groups Signals

View details of the received signals for an instance of the single-frame and the multiframe parameter group.

ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal4: -1
    VehicleSignal3: -1
    VehicleSignal2: 1000
    VehicleSignal1: 25

ans = struct with fields:
    VehicleSignal6: -1
    VehicleSignal5: -1
    VehicleSignal4: -1
    VehicleSignal3: 5000
    VehicleSignal2: 650
    VehicleSignal1: 5

Access Signal Values

The j1939SignalTimetable function allows you to easily extract and transform signal data from a timetable of parameter groups.

sigTT = j1939SignalTimetable(pgRx)
sigTT = struct with fields:
     VehicleDataMulti: [1×6 timetable]
    VehicleDataSingle: [4×4 timetable]

ans=4×4 timetable
       Time        VehicleSignal4    VehicleSignal3    VehicleSignal2    VehicleSignal1
    ___________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________

    0.13955 sec          -1                -1               1000               25      
    0.14347 sec          -1                -1               1000               25      
    0.76564 sec          -1                -1               1000               25      
    0.7702 sec           -1                -1               1000               25      

ans=1×6 timetable
       Time        VehicleSignal6    VehicleSignal5    VehicleSignal4    VehicleSignal3    VehicleSignal2    VehicleSignal1
    ___________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________    ______________

    0.59386 sec          -1                -1                -1               5000              650                5       

Stop the J1939 Channels

To stop receiving data from the network, stop the J1939 channels using the stop function.

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