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Han real orthogonal scaling filters with sum and linear-phase moments

Since R2022b


    scalf = hanscalf(wname) returns the Han real-valued orthogonal scaling filter corresponding to wname.



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    Obtain the scaling filter corresponding to the Han real orthogonal wavelet with five sum rules and five linear-phase moments.

    scalf = hanscalf("han5.5");

    Use orthfilt to obtain the scaling and wavelet filters corresponding to the wavelet.

    [LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = orthfilt(scalf);

    Confirm the filters form an orthonormal perfect reconstruction wavelet filter bank.

    [tf,checks] = isorthwfb(LoD)
    tf = logical
    checks=7×3 table
                                              Pass-Fail    Maximum Error    Test Tolerance
                                              _________    _____________    ______________
        Equal-length filters                    pass                 0                 0  
        Even-length filters                     pass                 0                 0  
        Unit-norm filters                       pass        1.2168e-13        1.4901e-08  
        Filter sums                             pass        2.1645e-13        1.4901e-08  
        Even and odd downsampled sums           pass        1.0836e-13        1.4901e-08  
        Zero autocorrelation at even lags       pass        1.2484e-13        1.4901e-08  
        Zero crosscorrelation at even lags      pass        2.1922e-17        1.4901e-08  

    Create two discrete wavelet transform filter banks, one using the Han wavelet, and the other using the Haar wavelet. Specify a single level of decomposition for both filter banks. Plot the one-sided magnitude frequency responses of both filter banks. The Han wavelet has a larger frequency separation between the wavelet and scaling filters than the Haar wavelet.

    fbHan = dwtfilterbank(Wavelet="han5.5",Level=1);
    fbHaar = dwtfilterbank(Wavelet="haar",Level=1);

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title DWT Filter Bank han5.5, xlabel Normalized Frequency (cycles/sample), ylabel Magnitude contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent D 1, A 1.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title DWT Filter Bank haar, xlabel Normalized Frequency (cycles/sample), ylabel Magnitude contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent D 1, A 1.

    Input Arguments

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    Han scaling filter, specified as "hanSR.LP", where SR is the number of sum rules, and LP is the number of linear-phase moments. wname can be "han2.3", "han3.3", "han4.5", or "han5.5". For information on the filter properties, see Han Real Orthogonal Scaling Filters.

    Output Arguments

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    Scaling filter corresponding to wname, returned as a vector. scalf should be used in conjunction with orthfilt to obtain scaling and wavelet filters with the proper normalization.

    Data Types: double

    More About

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    Han Real Orthogonal Scaling Filters

    Han filters are characterized by their order of sum rules, linear-phase moments, and phase. This table lists the filter specifications for the valid values of wname.

    wnameOrder of Sum RulesNumber of Linear-Phase MomentsNormalized Variance of Filter Impulse ResponseFrequency Separation Between Scaling and Wavelet FilterLength
    "han2.3" 230.4650.81566

    Frequency separation is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the filters are perfectly matched and 1 indicates they are perfectly separated in frequency. As a point of reference, the Haar ("db1") wavelet filter has the smallest normalized variance of all wavelet filters with 0.25 and poorest frequency separation with 0.666. An example of a scaling and wavelet filter pair with a relatively large frequency separation is the Fejér-Korovkin ("fk22") 22-coefficient filter with a value of 0.9522.


    [1] Han, Bin. “Wavelet Filter Banks.” In Framelets and Wavelets: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications, 92–98. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Cham, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 2017.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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