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Get WPTREE contents


    [FieldValue1,FieldValue2,…] = get(T,FieldName1,FieldName2,…) returns the contents of the specified fields for the wavelet packet tree T.

    For the fields that are objects or structures, you can also get the subfield contents.


    [___] = get(T) returns all the field contents of the tree T.


    collapse all

    Create a wavelet packet tree.

    x = rand(1,1000);
    t = wpdec(x,2,"db2");

    Obtain the order of the NTREE parent.

    o = get(t,'order')
    o = 

    Obtain the order and the terminal nodes of the NTREE parent

    [o,tn] = get(t,'order','tn')
    o = 
    tn = 4×1

    Obtain the order of the NTREE parent, all nodes information from the DTREE parent, and the terminal nodes of the NTREE parent.

    [o,allNI,tn] = get(t,'order','allNI','tn');

    Obtain the order of the NTREE parent, the wavelet information structure of the wavelet packet tree, all nodes information from the DTREE parent, and the terminal nodes of the NTREE parent.

    [o,wavInfo,allNI,tn] = get(t,'order','wavInfo','allNI','tn');

    Obtain the order and the terminal nodes of the NTREE parent, the lowpass decomposition filter from the wavelet information structure, and all nodes information from the DTREE parent.

    [o,tn,Lo_D,EntName] = get(t,'order','tn','Lo_D','EntName');

    Obtain the WBTO parent, NTREE parent, and DTREE parent.

    [wo,nt,dt] = get(t,'wtbo','ntree','dtree');

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Wavelet packet tree, specified as a wptree object.

    Names of fields and subfields of the wavelet packet tree T, specified as character vectors or string scalars.

    Valid field names of the wavelet packet tree T are:


    DTREE parent object


    Structure (wavelet information)


    Structure (entropy information)

    The fields of the wavelet information structure, 'wavInfo', are also valid:


    Wavelet name


    Lowpass decomposition filter


    Highpass decomposition filter


    Lowpass reconstruction filter


    Highpass reconstruction filter

    The fields of the entropy information structure, 'entInfo', are also valid:


    Entropy name


    Entropy parameter

    Or fields of the DTREE parent object:


    NTREE parent object


    All nodes information


    Terminal nodes information

    Or fields of the NTREE parent object:


    WTBO parent object


    Order of the tree


    Depth of the tree


    Split scheme for nodes


    Array of terminal nodes of the tree

    Or fields of the WTBO parent object:


    Object information


    Userdata field

    Example: [a,b] = get(t,"wavInfo","depth") returns the wavelet information structure of the wavelet packet tree t and the depth of the NTREE parent object.

    Data Types: char | string

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

    See Also

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