Threshold settings manager
returns a global threshold or
level-dependent thresholds for wavelet-based denoising and compression. The
function derives thresholds from the wavelet coefficients in a wavelet
returns the
= wthrmngr(opt
wavelet decomposition threshold using the sparsity parameter
. For signals,
is the output of C
. For
is the output of C
To learn more about alpha,
see wdcbm
compression, and wbmpen
returns the
= wthrmngr(opt
wavelet decomposition threshold using the type of multiplicative
threshold rescaling specified in C
. For
is the output of C
. For
is the output of C
The 'rigrsure'
, 'heursure'
, and
denoising methods are only
applicable to signals.
To learn more about multiplicative threshold rescaling, see wden
returns the level-dependent threshold for the stationary wavelet
decomposition, thr
= wthrmngr(opt
, of the signal or image to
denoise. alpha
specifies the sparsity parameter
(see wbmpen
). For
signals, swtdec
is the output of swt
. For images,
is the output of swt2
Thresholds are derived from a subset of the coefficients in the stationary wavelet decomposition. For more information, see Coefficient Selection.
returns the level-dependent threshold for the stationary wavelet
decomposition using the type of multiplicative threshold rescaling
specified in thr
= wthrmngr(opt
. For signals,
is the output of swt
. For images,
is the output of swt2
Thresholds are derived from a subset of the coefficients in the stationary wavelet decomposition. For more information, see Coefficient Selection.
The 'rigrsure'
, 'heursure'
, and
denoising methods apply only to
To learn more about multiplicative threshold rescaling, see wden
returns the global threshold to compress the signal or image,
= wthrmngr(opt
, using the specified wavelet option and
method 'rem_n0'
If opt
is 'dw1dcompGBL'
, thresholds are based on the
finest-scale wavelet coefficients obtained using the Haar wavelet. If
is 'wp1dcompGBL'
, thresholds are based on the
finest-scale wavelet packet coefficients obtained using the Haar
Global Threshold — Discrete Wavelet Decomposition
Load and plot a noisy signal.
load noisdopp plot(noisdopp) grid on title('Noisy Signal')
Generate a level 5 wavelet decomposition of the noisy signal using the order 4 Daubechies wavelet. Plot the coefficients.
[c,l] = wavedec(noisdopp,5,'db4'); plot(c) grid on title('Wavelet Coefficients')
Determine a global threshold for compressing the signal.
thr = wthrmngr('dw1dcompGBL','bal_sn',c,l);
The index of the first wavelet detail coefficient in c
is l(1)+1
. Apply the threshold to all the detail coefficients. Plot the thresholded coefficients. Observe that most of the coefficients have been set to 0.
c(l(1)+1:end) = c(l(1)+1:end).*(c(l(1)+1:end)>thr); plot(c) grid on title('Thresholded Coefficients')
Reconstruct the signal from the thresholded coefficients. Plot the reconstruction.
xrec = waverec(c,l,'db4'); plot(xrec) grid on title('Compressed Signal')
Image Compression — Birgé-Massart Thresholds
Compress an image using the Birgé-Massart strategy.
Load an image and add white Gaussian noise. For purposes of reproducibility, set the random seed to the default value.
rng default load sinsin x = X+18*randn(size(X));
Obtain the 2-D discrete wavelet transform down to level 3 using the Daubechies least-asymmetric wavelet with 4 vanishing moments. Obtain the compression thresholds using the Birgé-Massart strategy with sparsity parameter, alpha
, equal to 2.
[C,L] = wavedec2(x,3,'sym4'); alpha = 2; THR = wthrmngr('dw2dcompLVL','scarcehi',C,L,alpha);
Compress the image and display the result.
xd = wdencmp('lvd',x,'sym4',3,THR,'s'); image(X) title('Original Image')
title('Noisy Image')
title('Compressed Image')
Level-Dependent Threshold — Stationary Wavelet Transform
This example uses a level-dependent threshold derived from the wavelet coefficients at each scale to implement hard thresholding with the stationary wavelet transform.
Load the noisy blocks signal. Obtain the stationary wavelet transform down to level 5 by using the Haar wavelet.
load noisbloc L = 5; swc = swt(noisbloc,L,'haar');
Make a copy of the wavelet transform coefficients. Determine the Donoho-Johnstone universal threshold based on the detail coefficients for each scale. Using the 'mln'
option, wthrmngr
returns a 1-by-L vector, with every element equal to the universal threshold for the corresponding scale.
swcnew = swc; ThreshML = wthrmngr('sw1ddenoLVL','sqtwolog',swc,'mln');
Use the universal thresholds to implement hard thresholding. The thresholds are applied in a scale-dependent manner.
for jj = 1:L swcnew(jj,:) = wthresh(swc(jj,:),'h',ThreshML(jj)); end
Invert the stationary wavelet transform on the thresholded coefficients, swcnew
. Plot the original signal and the denoised signal for comparison.
noisbloc_denoised = iswt(swcnew,'haar'); plot(noisbloc) hold on plot(noisbloc_denoised,'r','linewidth',2) legend('Original','Denoised')
Global Threshold — Wavelet Packet Decomposition
Denoise a noisy signal by applying a global threshold to a wavelet packet decomposition structure.
Load and plot a noisy signal.
load noisdopp plot(noisdopp) grid on title('Noisy Signal')
Generate a level 3 wavelet packet decomposition of the noisy signal using the order 4 Daubechies wavelet.
T = wpdec(noisdopp,3,'db4');
Determine a global threshold for denoising the signal.
thr = wthrmngr('wp1ddenoGBL','sqtwologuwn',T);
Obtain the leaves from the wavelet packet decomposition tree T
and apply the threshold to the leaves. Use hard thresholding.
T1 = T; sorh = 'h'; cfs = read(T,'data'); cfs = wthresh(cfs,sorh,thr); T1 = write(T1,'data',cfs);
Reconstruct the denoised signal from the thresholded coefficients. Plot the reconstruction.
xrec = wprec(T1); plot(xrec) grid on title('Denoised Signal')
Level-Independent Threshold — Stationary Wavelet Transform
This example uses a level-independent threshold based on the finest-scale wavelet coefficients to implement hard thresholding with the stationary wavelet transform.
Load the noisy blocks signal. Obtain the stationary wavelet transform down to level 5 by using the Haar wavelet.
load noisbloc L = 5; swc = swt(noisbloc,L,'haar');
Make a copy of the wavelet transform coefficients. Determine the Donoho-Johnstone universal threshold based on the first-level detail coefficients. Using the 'sln'
option, wthrmngr
returns a 1-by-L vector, with every element equal to the same value. Take the mean of the vector to obtain a scalar threshold.
swcnew = swc; ThreshSL = mean(wthrmngr('sw1ddenoLVL','sqtwolog',swc,'sln'));
Use the universal threshold to implement hard thresholding. The same threshold is applied to the wavelet coefficients at every level.
for jj = 1:L swcnew(jj,:) = wthresh(swc(jj,:),'h',ThreshSL); end
Invert the stationary wavelet transform on the thresholded coefficients, swcnew
. Plot the original signal and the denoised signal for comparison.
noisbloc_denoised = iswt(swcnew,'haar'); plot(noisbloc) hold on plot(noisbloc_denoised,'r','linewidth',2) legend('Original','Denoised')
Input Arguments
— Type and dimension of compression or denoising
| 'dw1dcompLVL'
| 'dw1ddenoLVL'
| 'sw1ddenoLVL'
| 'dw2dcompGBL'
| 'dw2dcompLVL'
| ...
Type and dimension of compression or denoising, specified as one
of the values listed in the tables that follow.
returns thresholds
appropriate for the option you specify.
With a discrete wavelet or wavelet packet decomposition of the data, you can compress or denoise that data. With a stationary wavelet decomposition of the data, you can only denoise the data.
For an explanation of which coefficients are used to determine the thresholds, see Coefficient Selection.
1-D Discrete Wavelet Decomposition Options
In these options, X
is the signal,
the wavelet coefficients are in the vector
, and the lengths of the
coefficient vectors are in L
. The
argument alpha
is the sparsity
parameter, and scale
defines the
multiplicative threshold rescaling.
For additional information regarding the wavelet
decomposition, see wavedec
. To learn more about
, see wdcbm
and wden
opt |
Description | Valid Syntaxes |
'dw1dcompGBL' |
1-D compression using a global threshold |
'dw1dcompLVL' |
1-D compression using level-dependent thresholds |
'dw1ddenoLVL' |
1-D denoising using level-dependent thresholds |
2-D Discrete Wavelet Decomposition Options
In these options, X
is the data, the
wavelet coefficients are in the vector
, and the size of the
coefficient matrices are in L
. The
argument alpha
is the sparsity
parameter, and scale
defines the
multiplicative threshold rescaling.
For additional information regarding the wavelet
decomposition, see wavedec2
. To learn more about
, see wdcbm2
and wden
opt |
Description | Valid Syntaxes |
'dw2dcompGBL' |
2-D compression using a global threshold |
'dw2dcompLVL' |
2-D compression using level-dependent thresholds |
'dw2ddenoLVL' |
2-D denoising using level-dependent thresholds |
1-D Wavelet Packet Decomposition Options
In these options, X
is the signal and
is the wavelet packet
decomposition structure of the signal.
For additional information regarding the wavelet packet
decomposition, see wpdec
opt |
Description | Valid Syntaxes |
'wp1dcompGBL' |
1-D compression using a global threshold |
'wp1ddenoGBL' |
1-D denoising using a global threshold |
2-D Wavelet Packet Decomposition Options
In these options, X
is the data and
is the wavelet packet
decomposition structure of the data.
For additional information regarding the wavelet packet
decomposition, see wpdec2
opt |
Description | Valid Syntaxes |
'wp2dcompGBL' |
2-D compression using a global threshold |
'wp2ddenoGBL' |
2-D denoising using a global threshold |
1-D Stationary Wavelet Decomposition Options
Denoising using level-dependent thresholds is the only
option available for a 1-D stationary wavelet
decomposition, swtdec
. In this option,
is a sparsity parameter and
defines the multiplicative
threshold rescaling.
For more information regarding the stationary wavelet
decomposition, see swt
To learn more about alpha
, see wbmpen
and wden
opt | Valid Syntaxes |
'sw1ddenoLVL' |
Thresholds are based on a subset of the coefficients in the stationary wavelet decomposition. See Coefficient Selection for additional information.
2-D Stationary Wavelet Decomposition Options
Denoising using level-dependent thresholds is the only
option available for a 2-D stationary wavelet
decomposition, swtdec
. In this option,
is a sparsity parameter and
defines the multiplicative
threshold rescaling.
For more information regarding the stationary wavelet
decomposition, see swt2
To learn more about alpha
, see wbmpen
and wden
opt | Valid Syntaxes |
'sw2ddenoLVL' |
Thresholds are based on a subset of the coefficients in the stationary wavelet decomposition. See Coefficient Selection for additional information.
— Thresholding method
| 'scarceme'
| 'scarcelo'
| 'sqtwolog'
| 'sqtwologuwn'
| 'sqtwologswn'
| ...
Thresholding method, specified as one of the values listed here.
method | Description |
'scarcehi' | Uses Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds. |
'scarceme' | Uses Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds. |
'scarcelo' | Uses Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds. |
'sqtwolog' | Uses fixed-form universal threshold. See
'sqtwolog' option in wden . |
'sqtwologuwn' | Uses fixed-form universal threshold. See
'sqtwolog' option in wden
when used with 'sln '
option. |
'sqtwologswn' | Uses fixed-form universal threshold. See
'sqtwolog' option in wden
when used with 'mln'
option. |
'rigsure' | Uses soft threshold estimator rule based on
Stein's Unbiased Estimate of Risk. See
'SURE' option in wdenoise . |
'heursure' | Uses mixture of
'rigsure' and
'sqtwolog' . See
'heursure' option in wden . |
'minimaxi' | Uses a fixed threshold chosen which yields
minimax performance. See
'Minimax' option in wdenoise . |
'penalhi' | Used to define Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds. |
'penalme' | Used to define Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds. |
'penallo' | Used to define Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds. |
'rem_n0' | Returns a threshold close to 0. A typical
THR value is
median(abs(coefficients)) . |
'bal_sn' | Returns a threshold such that the percentages of retained energy and number of zeros are the same. |
'sqrtbal_sn' | Returns a threshold equal to the square root of the value such that the percentages of retained energy and number of zeros are the same. |
Data Types: char
— Input data
real-valued vector | real-valued matrix
Input data, specified as a real-valued vector or real-valued matrix.
Data Types: double
— Wavelet expansion coefficients
real-valued vector
— Size of wavelet expansion coefficients
vector of positive integers | matrix of positive integers
— Multiplicative threshold rescaling
| 'sln'
| 'mln'
Multiplicative threshold rescaling, specified as one of the following:
— No rescaling'sln'
— Rescaling using a single estimation of level noise based on first-level coefficients'mln'
— Rescaling using a level-dependent estimation of level noise
For more information, see wden
— Stationary wavelet decomposition structure
real-valued matrix
Stationary wavelet decomposition structure of data to be
compressed or denoised, specified as a real-valued matrix. If
the data is one-dimensional, swtdec
is the
output of swt
. If the
data is two-dimensional, swtdec
is the
output of swt2
Example: swtdec =
Data Types: double
— Wavelet packet decomposition structure
wavelet packet object structure
Output Arguments
— Threshold
real-valued scalar | real-valued vector | real-valued matrix
Threshold, returned as a real-valued scalar for global thresholds, or a real-valued vector or matrix for level-dependent thresholds.
Data Types: double
To denoise 1-D signals, consider using the Wavelet Signal Denoiser. The app visualizes and denoises real-valued 1-D signals using default parameters. You can also compare results. In addition, you can also recreate the denoised signal in your workspace by generating a MATLAB® script, which uses the
Coefficient Selection
A critically sampled wavelet or wavelet packet decomposition involves decimating coefficients by a factor of 2 at each stage of the decomposition. Decimation does not occur in the nondecimated stationary wavelet decomposition.
derives denoising and compression thresholds
from the wavelet coefficients. For a critically sampled wavelet or wavelet
packet decomposition, the option and method determine whether all wavelet
coefficients or only the finest scale coefficients are used.
For the stationary wavelet decomposition, wthrmngr
always uses a subset of the wavelet coefficients. When computing the
denoising thresholds of an N
-level stationary wavelet
decomposition, the algorithm first subsamples the wavelet coefficients at
level k
by a factor of
, for k
= 1,…,N
. The algorithm uses this subset of coefficients to
determine the thresholds. Most of the coefficients in the stationary wavelet
decomposition are not considered.
Birgé-Massart Strategy
The Birgé-Massart strategy for determining thresholds depends on several
different parameters. You specify the wavelet decomposition and a
thresholding method. You can also specify a sparsity parameter,
, or a specific multiplicative threshold
rescaling, scale
. Based on your inputs,
derives the necessary Birgé-Massart
parameters. The parameters depend on the dimension of the signal, and the
total number, N
, of coefficients at the coarsest scale of
wavelet decomposition.
If the thresholding method is 'scarcehi'
, or 'scarcelo'
, the
executes either wdcbm
or wdcbm2
. If the
thresholding method is 'penalhi'
, or 'penallo'
, then
executes either wbmpen
or wpbmpen
Thresholding Method |
Description |
'scarcehi' | |
'scarceme' | |
'scarcelo' | |
'penalhi' | |
'penalme' | |
'penallo' |
[1] Birgé, L., and P. Massart. “From Model Selection to Adaptive Estimation.” Festschrift for Lucien Le Cam: Research Papers in Probability and Statistics (E. Torgersen, D. Pollard, and G. Yang, eds.). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. 55–88.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
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