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EHT MU Transmission

Transmission Mode Options

The options for extremely high-throughput multi-user (EHT MU) transmissions are:

  • Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA)

  • Full-band multi-user multiple-input/multiple-output (MU-MIMO)

  • Mixed OFDMA and MU-MIMO

The transmission mode depends on the property you set when you create a wlanEHTMUConfig object.

  • To specify OFDMA or a mix of OFDMA and MU-MIMO, set the AllocationIndex property when you create the object.

  • To specify full-band MU-MIMO, set the ChannelBandwidth property when you create the object.

The 802.11be Waveform Generation example introduces the concepts associated with EHT transmission modes, resource unit (RU) and multiple resource unit (MRU) allocation, and parameterization.

An RU is a group of 26, 52, 106, 242, 484, 968, 996, 1992, or 3984 subcarriers defining an allocation unit in time and frequency. An MRU is a group of RUs joined together. In this diagram, the picture on the left shows only RUs, and the picture on the right shows RUs and MRUs.

Comparison of RU and MRU allocations

Allocation Index

When you create an OFDMA or mixed wlanEHTMUConfig object, you must specify the value of the AllocationIndex property. Once the object is created, the AllocationIndex property is read-only.

The AllocationIndex property defines the number of RUs or MRUs, their sizes, and the number of users assigned to them.

  • Set the AllocationIndex property as an integer to specify a channel bandwidth of 20 MHz.

  • Set the AllocationIndex property as a row vector of length 2, 4, 8, or 16 to specify a respective channel bandwidth of 40, 80, 160, or 320 MHz. The vector's length is equal to the number of 20 MHz subchannels.

  • Set the AllocationIndex property as an M-by-N matrix to specify a channel bandwidth of 160 or 320 MHz. M is the number of 80 MHz segments and N is the number of 20 MHz subchannels.

You can signal punctured subchannels in OFDMA transmissions with a channel bandwidth of 80 MHz or above. To signal a punctured 20 MHz subchannel, set the corresponding element to 26. To signal larger punctured subchannels, set corresponding adjacent elements to 26.

The values specified in the AllocationIndex property correspond to the 9-bit indices for each 20 MHz subchannel in the first column of Table 36-34 in [1].

This table lists the allocation indices and corresponding RU assignments for 20 MHz subchannels and RUs with at most 242 tones. The table shows the number of tones per RU and the number of users assigned for each allocation index.

Allocation Index20 MHz Subchannel Resource Unit (RU) Assignment
26Punctured 242-tone RUc
27Unassigned 242-tone RUd
28242-tone RU with no users signaled on the corresponding EHT-SIG content channele
29484-tone RU with no users signaled on the corresponding EHT-SIG content channelf
30996-tone RU with no users signaled on the corresponding EHT-SIG content channelg

a 26 tone RU assigned to 1 user as part of a 20 MHz subchannel assignment of 9 26-tone RUs

b No users assigned to this RU; no data field transmitted on these subcarriers (empty 26-tone RU with no user assigned)

c If selected, this 20 MHz subchannel is unused; the subchannel is punctured

d If selected no user data is transmitted in the 242-tone RU, but the corresponding 20 MHz preamble is transmitted

e Signifies a 242-tone RU with zeros users signaled on the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

f Must be used with other allocation indices. Signifies a 484-tone or 996-tone RU with zero users signaled on the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

g Must be used with other allocation indices. Signifies a 484-tone or 996-tone RU with zero users signaled on the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

h Reserved entry

This table lists the allocation indices with a corresponding RU assignment that includes MRUs.

Allocation Index20 MHz Subchannel Resource Unit (RU) Assignment

a 52+26-tone small MRU is assigned to 1 user

b Reserved entries

This table lists RU allocation and EHT-SIG user signaling for 242-, 484-, 996-, and 2x996-tone RUs.

Allocation IndexRU Allocation & Number of Users on the Corresponding EHT-SIG Content Channel for RU Size >= 242
64-71 (63 + N)20 MHz (N users), or 242-tone RU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel
72-79 (71 + N)40 MHz (N users), or 484-tone RU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel
80-87 (79 + N)80 MHz (N users), or 996-tone RU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel
88-95 (87 + N)160 MHz (N users), or 2x996-tone RU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

This table lists MRU allocation and EHT-SIG user signaling for allocations with a channel bandwidth of 80 MHz or greater.

Allocation IndexRU Allocation & Number of Users on the Corresponding EHT-SIG Content Channel for RU Size > 484
96-103 (95 + N)

MRU of [ ]-242-484

484+242-tone MRU in 80 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

104-111 (103 + N)

MRU of 242-[ ]-484

484+242-tone MRU in 80 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

112-119 (111 + N)

MRU of 484-[ ]-242

484+242-tone MRU in 80 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

120-127 (119 + N)

MRU of 484-242-[ ]

484+242-tone MRU in 80 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

128-135 (127 + N)

MRU of [ ]-484-996

996+484-tone MRU in 160 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

136-143 (135 + N)

MRU of 484-[ ]-996

996+484-tone MRU in 160 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

144-151 (143 + N)

MRU of 996-[ ]-484

996+484-tone MRU in 160 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

152-159 (151 + N)

MRU of 996-484-[ ]

996+484-tone MRU in 160 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

160-167 (159 + N)

MRU of [ ]-996-996-996

3x996-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

168-175 (167 + N)

MRU of 996-[ ]-996-996

3x996-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

176-183 (175 + N)

MRU of 996-996-[ ]-996

3x996-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

184-191 (183 + N)

MRU of 996-996-996-[ ]

3x996-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

192-199 (191 + N)

MRU of [ ]-484-996-996-996

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

200-207 (199 + N)

MRU of 484-[ ]-996-996-996

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

208-215 (207 + N)

MRU of 996-[ ]-484-996-996

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

216-223 (215 + N)

MRU of 996-484-[ ]-996-996

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

224-231 (223 + N)

MRU of 996-996-[ ]-484-996

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

232-239 (231 + N)

MRU of 996-996-484-[ ]-996

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

240-247 (239 + N)

MRU of 996-996-996-[ ]-484

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

248-255 (247 + N)

MRU of 996-996-996-484-[ ]

3x996+484-tone MRU with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

256-263 (255 + N)

MRU of [ ]-484-996-996

x996+484-tone MRU in 240 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

264-271 (263 + N)

MRU of 484-[ ]-996-996

x996+484-tone MRU in 240 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

272-279 (271 + N)

MRU of 996-[ ]-484-996

x996+484-tone MRU in 240 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

280-287 (279 + N)

MRU of 996-484-[ ]-996

x996+484-tone MRU in 240 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

288-295 (287 + N)

MRU of 996-996-[ ]-484

x996+484-tone MRU in 240 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel

296-303 (295 + N)

MRU of 996-996-484-[ ]

x996+484-tone MRU in 240 MHz sub-block with N users signaled in the corresponding EHT-SIG content channel


This table shows allocation index and channel bandwidth options required to specify transmission type for all channel bandwidths.

Transmission Type20 MHz Transmission40 MHz Transmission80 MHz Transmission160 MHz Transmission320 MHz Transmission
Full-bandwidth MU-MIMO

wlanEHTMUConfig("CBW20", NumUsers=a)

Specify a as an integer in the interval [1, 8].

wlanEHTMUConfig("CBW40", NumUsers=a)

Specify a as an integer in the interval [1, 8].

wlanEHTMUConfig("CBW80", NumUsers=a)

Specify a as an integer in the interval [1, 8].

wlanEHTMUConfig("CBW160", NumUsers=a)

Specify a as an integer in the interval [1, 8].

wlanEHTMUConfig("CBW320", NumUsers=a)

Specify a as an integer in the interval [1, 8].

For puncturing, use wlanEHTMUConfig("CBWx", PuncturedChannelFieldValue = y).

Specify x as 80, 160, or 320. Specify y as an integer in the interval [0, 24].

To enable EHT DUP mode, use wlanEHTMUConfig("CBWx", EHTDUPMode = true).

Specify x as 80, 160, or 320.



Specify a as an integer in one of the intervals [0, 25] or [32, 55].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b])

Specify a and b as integers in one of the intervals [0, 27] or [32, 55].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b c d])

Specify the vector entries as integers in one of the intervals [0, 27] or [32, 55].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b c d e f g h])

Specify the vector entries as integers in one of the intervals [0, 27] or [32, 55].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p])

Specify the vector entries as integers in one of the intervals [0, 27] or [32, 55].


wlanEHTMUConfig([a b])

Specify a and b as integers in the interval [0, 27], 29, or integers in one of the intervals [32, 55] or [64, 79].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b c d])

Specify the vector entries as integers in one of the intervals [0, 30], [32, 55], or [64, 127].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b c d e f g h])

Specify the vector entries as integers in one of the intervals [0, 30], [32, 55], or [64, 159].

wlanEHTMUConfig([a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p])

Specify the vector entries as integers in one of the intervals [0, 30], [32, 55], or [64, 303].

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