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Finding coefficients from 4 degree polynomial

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
ans el 15 de Oct. de 2021
Comentada: ans el 15 de Oct. de 2021
I want to find unknown coefficients A,B,C,D,E from 4 degree polynomial equation "y=Ax^4+Bx^3+Cx^2+Dx+E". x and y are already given in table.

Respuestas (1)

KSSV el 15 de Oct. de 2021
Editada: KSSV el 15 de Oct. de 2021
Read about polyfit. This will help you to fit the required degree polynomial and also gives you the coefficients. Also have a look on polyval.


Más información sobre Polynomials en Help Center y File Exchange.




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