Intersection of yline and x,y categorical data

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Alistair McQueen
Alistair McQueen el 29 de Oct. de 2021
Comentada: Star Strider el 29 de Oct. de 2021
I will not show the code which produces the data in the attached figure as I feel it is rendundant with my current issue.
In the figure attached, I have a series of points for which I have joined them by a line.
I also have a yline (50%) at which passes the previous plot line, once, around -7.5M. However, I want to have an exact value for this and to make the process automatic, rather than manual.
I have tried using various functions like interX and so on from file exchange but to no avail.
The data, and current plotting code is below:
Note - I did remove the first point of the data (ND) and then converted the xdata into numerical data, on the log scale but still had issues. Obviously, I removed the associated point from the yData vector.
I understand that this is probably the better way to do it, and then just plot the categorical case on top of the numerical case, like my code does.
% the original categorical x data
xS=categorical(["CTR" "-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7"]);
xS = reordercats(xS,{'CTR' '-12' '-11' '-10' '-9' '-8' '-7'});
%Numerical version of above, removing the CTR entry (re-added back later)
cd = [1e-12 1e-11 1e-10 1e-9 1e-8 1e-7];
xS2 = log10(cd);
%The two different y data sets for each x data above
yS = [1 0.9995 0.9978 0.9815 0.8571 0.5576 0.4465]*100;
yS2 = [0.9995 0.9978 0.9815 0.8571 0.5576 0.4465]*100;
fig = figure(2);
%Actual plots
plot(xS,yS, '-o','Color','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]',...
'MarkerFaceColor','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]','MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
hold on
yline(50, 'r--','Linewidth',3.5);
% Second to calc Ic50 value - uses numeric data
plot(xS2,yS2, '-o','Color','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]',...
'MarkerFaceColor','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]','MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
xlabel('Dose [logM]'), ylabel('% Control')
leg = legend({'Cell Number','IC_5_0'});
% Other plot stuff
box on
ax = gca;
set(gca,'linewidth', 2.5,'fontsize',28,'fontname','Helectiva') % Sets the width of the axis lines, font size, font
x0 = 50;
y0 = 50;

Respuesta aceptada

Star Strider
Star Strider el 29 de Oct. de 2021
Since the ‘y’ values are monotonically decreasing, using interp1 is straightforward with the second vector, however there is no way to work with the categorical variables to interpolate them, so I just went with the indices instead.—
% the original categorical x data
xS=categorical(["CTR" "-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7"]);
xS = reordercats(xS,{'CTR' '-12' '-11' '-10' '-9' '-8' '-7'});
%Numerical version of above, removing the CTR entry (re-added back later)
cd = [1e-12 1e-11 1e-10 1e-9 1e-8 1e-7];
xS2 = log10(cd);
%The two different y data sets for each x data above
yS = [1 0.9995 0.9978 0.9815 0.8571 0.5576 0.4465]*100;
yS2 = [0.9995 0.9978 0.9815 0.8571 0.5576 0.4465]*100;
xSint = interp1(yS(2:end),(-12:-7),50) % 'xS' Must Be Numeric
xSint = -7.4815
xS2int = interp1(yS2,xS2,50) % 'xS2' 'yS2=50' Intercept
xS2int = -7.4815
fig = figure(2);
%Actual plots
plot(xS,yS, '-o','Color','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]',...
'MarkerFaceColor','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]','MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
hold on
yline(50, 'r--','Linewidth',3.5);
% Second to calc Ic50 value - uses numeric data
plot(xS2,yS2, '-o','Color','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]',...
'MarkerFaceColor','[0, 0.4470, 0.7410]','MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
xlabel('Dose [logM]'), ylabel('% Control')
leg = legend({'Cell Number','IC_5_0'});
% Other plot stuff
box on
ax = gca;
set(gca,'linewidth', 2.5,'fontsize',28,'fontname','Helectiva') % Sets the width of the axis lines, font size, font
x0 = 50;
y0 = 50;
Create a numeric vector for the categorical arrays to work with them, if my approach is incorrect.
  2 comentarios
Alistair McQueen
Alistair McQueen el 29 de Oct. de 2021
Okay, I guess it's been a long week... Was not expecting it to pop out as simply as that given the other examples I have been looking at today.
Thanks very much!! That is the correct value. So, I just need to plot it now which is easy. The CTR value is redundant when figuring out this intercept as the y data is a function of that value anyway, so just using the numerical data is fine.
Enjoy your weekend!!
Star Strider
Star Strider el 29 de Oct. de 2021
As always, my pleasure!
Your data are such that the interpolation is straightforward. Other times, it requires isolating the region of one or more of the intersections, then interpolating.
You, too!
Enjoy Samhain!

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