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I want to create 3d dubins state space,but i am getting an error

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
mukund shah
mukund shah el 11 de Dic. de 2021
Editada: Remo Pillat el 31 de Mzo. de 2023
This is the code for my 3d dubins state space ,i just want this state space to have a min radius property i.e curvilinear path aside from all properties of SE3 state space but i am getting an error in this ,can you please help ,exactly whats wrong in this?
classdef stateSpaceDubins3D < nav.StateSpace & stateSpaceSE3
%matlabshared.tracking.internal.CustomDisplay & ...
%matlabshared.planning.internal.EnforceScalarHandle & ...
%STATESPACEDUBINS State space for Dubins vehicles
% The Dubins state space is based on the SE(2) space with three
% state variables: x, y, and theta.
% SPACE = stateSpaceDubins creates a Dubins state space object, SPACE,
% with default bounds for x, y, and theta. The Dubins state space has
% limits on the turning radius, MinTurningRadius, for navigating between
% states and uses the shortest feasible curve to connect states.
% SPACE = stateSpaceDubins(BOUNDS) creates a state space object
% with [min max] BOUNDS for x, y, and theta, specified as a
% 3-by-2 matrix.
% stateSpaceDubins properties:
% Name - Name of state space
% NumStateVariables - Number of state variables in space
% StateBounds - Bounds of state variables
% MinTurningRadius - Minimum turning radius
% stateSpaceDubins methods:
% copy - Create deep copy of object
% distance - Distance between two states
% enforceStateBounds - Ensure state lies within state bounds
% interpolate - Interpolate between two states
% sampleUniform - Sample state using uniform distribution
% sampleGaussian - Sample state using Gaussian distribution
% See also stateSpaceReedsShepp, stateSpaceSE2.
% Copyright 2019-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
%MinTurningRadius Minimum turning radius (in meters)
% Default: 1
MinTurningRadius = 1
function obj = stateSpaceDubins3D(varargin)
%STATESPACEDUBINS Construct Dubins state space object
obj.Name = 'SE3 Dubins';
function dist = distance(obj, state1, state2)
%DISTANCE Distance between two states
% DIST = DISTANCE(SPACE, STATE1, STATE2) computes the distance
% along the optimal Dubins curve from STATE1 to STATE2.
% These states are M-by-3 matrices, where each row is a different
% state. The function calculates the distance between each row in
% the two matrices and returns a vector of M distances.
% Example:
% space = stateSpaceDubins
% % Calculate Dubins distance between 2 states
% dist = DISTANCE(space, [2 10 -pi], [0 -2.5 -pi/4])
% % Decrease the minimum turning radius and calculate again
% space.MinTurningRadius = 0.25;
% dists = DISTANCE(space, [2 10 -pi; 2 10 0], [0 -2.5 -pi/4; 0 -2.5 -pi/2])
if ~obj.SkipStateValidation
% If one of state1 and state2 is single state, skip checking rows for both
if size(state1, 1) == 1 || size(state2, 1) == 1
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state1, nan, 7, 'distance', 'state1');
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state2, nan, 7, 'distance', 'state2');
else %otherwise both states have to have the same number of rows
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state1, nan, 7, 'distance', 'state1');
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state2, size(state1,1), 7, 'distance', 'state2');
% Call the builtins function directly. Only retrieve the
% optimal Dubins connection for distance calculation.
distRow = matlabshared.planning.internal.DubinsBuiltins.autonomousDubinsSegments(...
double(state1), double(state2), obj.MinTurningRadius, 'optimal', {});
dist = distRow.';
function interpState = interpolate(obj, state1, state2, ratios)
%INTERPOLATE Interpolate between two states
% interpolated states between two states at points given by RATIOS,
% which is specified as a vector of values between [0,1].
% The ratio values represent the distance along the Dubins path segment
% that connects STATE1 and STATE2.
% Example:
% space = stateSpaceDubins
% % Interpolate half-way between 2 states
% state = INTERPOLATE(space, [2 10 -pi], [0 -2.5 -pi/4], 0.5)
% % Interpolate multiple points with a fixed interval
% states = INTERPOLATE(space, [2 10 -pi], [0 -2.5 -pi/4], [0:0.02:1])
% Validate and make sure that state vectors are rows, since the builtins
% require that input format.
if ~obj.SkipStateValidation
[state1, state2, ratios] = obj.validateInterpolateInput(state1, state2, ratios);
% Use the builtins directly for maximum performance
[pathLength,segmentLengths,segmentTypes] = matlabshared.planning.internal.DubinsBuiltins.autonomousDubinsSegments(...
state1, state2, obj.MinTurningRadius, 'optimal', {});
% 'optimal' argument returns segmentLengths and segmentTypes as
% vectors, and pathLength is a scalar
interpState = matlabshared.planning.internal.DubinsBuiltins.autonomousDubinsInterpolateSegments(...
state1, state2, double(ratios) * pathLength(1), obj.MinTurningRadius, ...
segmentLengths(:)', uint32(segmentTypes(:)'));
% Make sure all angles are wrapped to [-pi,pi] interval
%interpState(:,3) = robotics.internal.wrapToPi(interpState(:,3));
function copyObj = copy(obj)
%COPY Create deep copy of state space object
% COPYSPACE = COPY(SPACE) creates a deep copy of the state space
% object SPACE and return the new object in COPYSPACE. All
% data of SPACE is also present in COPYSPACE.
% Example:
% % Create Dubins object and set custom MinTurningRadius
% space = stateSpaceDubins;
% space.MinTurningRadius = 0.5
% % Make a deep copy
% space2 = COPY(space)
% % Verify that property values are the same
% isequal(space.MinTurningRadius, space2.MinTurningRadius)
copyObj = stateSpaceDubins3D(obj.StateBounds);
function set.MinTurningRadius(obj, radius)
%set.MinTurningRadius Setter for MinTurningRadius property
validateattributes(radius, {'double'}, ...
{'nonempty', 'scalar', 'real', 'nonnan', 'finite', 'positive'}, 'stateSpaceDubins', 'MinTurningRadius');
obj.MinTurningRadius = double(radius);
methods (Access = protected)
function propgrp = getPropertyGroups(obj)
%getPropertyGroups Custom property group display
% This function is overrides the function in the
% CustomDisplay base class.
propListS3 = struct(...
"Name", obj.Name,...
"StateBounds", obj.StateBounds,...
"NumStateVariables", obj.NumStateVariables);
propgrpSE3 = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propListS3, ...
propListDubins = struct("MinTurningRadius", obj.MinTurningRadius);
propgrpDubins = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propListDubins, ...
propgrp = [propgrpSE3, propgrpDubins];
function copyProperties(obj, copyObj)
%copyProperties Copy property data from this object to new object
% Copy all properties of SE2 base class
% Copy Dubins properties
copyObj.MinTurningRadius = obj.MinTurningRadius;
  9 comentarios
mukund shah
mukund shah el 11 de Dic. de 2021
thanks for that
but now this error is showing up
Error using nav.algs.internal.builtin.SearchTree/nearestNeighbor
The user specified distance function has encountered an unknown error.
Error in nav.algs.internal.SearchTree/nearestNeighbor (line 34)
idx = obj.BuiltinTree.nearestNeighbor(randState);
Error in plannerRRT/extend (line 351)
idx = treeInternal.nearestNeighbor(randState);
Error in plannerRRT/plan (line 289)
[newNodeId, statusCode, treeInternal] = extend(obj, randState, treeInternal);
Error in dubspace3d (line 24)
[pthObj,solnInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);
so how do we change this ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 11 de Dic. de 2021
Sorry, I do not know. You would probably need to
dbstop if caught error
and debug the code.

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Remo Pillat
Remo Pillat el 31 de Mzo. de 2023
Editada: Remo Pillat el 31 de Mzo. de 2023
If you still see this error message, please reach out to MathWorks tech support (, so they can help you debug your code.


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