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matrix divide in an array or 2d matrix.

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Victor el 25 de Nov. de 2014
Comentada: Victor el 25 de Nov. de 2014
I have a matrix that is 10000x10000x15. I need to divide each element in the first two dimension by a matrix that is 3x15. I could do this in a loop, i.e.
mat = rand(10000,10000,15);
submat = rand(3,15);
newmat = zeros(10000,10000,3);
for i =1:10000
for j = 1:10000
but that would take a long time. Is there a better way to accomplish this that can do the division on the matrix as a whole?

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Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 25 de Nov. de 2014
Editada: Sean de Wolski el 25 de Nov. de 2014
You can do the whole divide at once, using n instead of 10000 to avoid killing my laptop:
mat2 = reshape(mat,n^2,15);
nm2 = mat2/submat;
nm2 = reshape(nm2,n,n,3);
% Check equality
ans =

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