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Measuring percentage of black pixels

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Aero Descerazes
Aero Descerazes el 5 de Feb. de 2022
Editada: Aero Descerazes el 6 de Feb. de 2022
I have four ROIs labelled as a mask. I want to measure the number and percentage of black pixels (black pixels/ total ROI area) in the 'binary' image inside the individual ROIs defined above.
Second question - I have multiple 'binary' images to analyze but the ROIs will be the same. Any suggestions on batch processing?

Respuestas (2)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan el 5 de Feb. de 2022
Try the following:
Variables 'dark_number' and 'dark_percent' reports the number and percentage of black pixels in each ROI respectively.
Each row refers to each binary image and each column refers to each ROI. So the number of columns are always 4 while row number varies
clear; clc;
[filename_roi,pathname_roi] = uigetfile('*.png','Select ROI png Files','MultiSelect', 'on');
if ~iscell(filename_roi)
filename_roi = {filename_roi};
Nroi = length(filename_roi);
ROI = cell(1,Nroi);
for r = 1:Nroi
ROI{1,r} = imread(fullfile(pathname_roi,filename_roi{r}));
[filename,pathname] = uigetfile('*.png','Select One or More png Files','MultiSelect', 'on');
if ~iscell(filename)
filename = {filename};
Nz = length(filename);
white_mask = cellfun(@nnz,ROI);
dark_number = zeros(Nz,Nroi);
for k = 1:Nz
I = imread(fullfile(pathname,filename{k}));
white_number = cellfun(@(x) sum((I & x),'all'),ROI);
dark_number(k,:) = white_mask - white_number;
dark_percent = 100*dark_number./white_mask
  5 comentarios
Simon Chan
Simon Chan el 6 de Feb. de 2022
Actually, both results are already stored in table T1 (Number of Dark Pixel) and T2 (Percentage of Dark Pixel). You can just type T1 and T2 and results as follows. However, if you increase the number of ROIs continously, the same issue will happen again.
Then you have to think about how would you like to present your results. May be function fprintf suggested by yanqi liu is better if you have lots of ROIs.
Aero Descerazes
Aero Descerazes el 6 de Feb. de 2022
@Simon Chan Thank you very much for the suggestion!

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yanqi liu
yanqi liu el 6 de Feb. de 2022
clc; clear all;
rois = {'',...
% make all your image filenames
filenames = {'',...
bws = [];
for i = 1 : length(rois)
bws{i} = im2bw(imread(rois{i}));
for i = 1 : length(filenames)
imi = im2bw(imread(filenames{i}));
% mask
black_pixels = length(find(imi.*bws{i}));
total_ROI_area = length(find(bws{i}));
rate = black_pixels/total_ROI_area;
fprintf('\n%d image---rate=%.2f',i,rate);
1 image---rate=0.72 2 image---rate=0.65


Más información sobre Convert Image Type en Help Center y File Exchange.





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