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creating one legend for all data

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Sophia el 24 de Mayo de 2022
Comentada: Sophia el 31 de Mayo de 2022
I would like to create a legend which includes both the boxplot data and the lines in the graph
I can create a legend for just the line data (fig. 2)
When I create a legend for the boxplot data the colours do not match to the data (fig. 1)

Respuestas (1)

Voss el 28 de Mayo de 2022
c and d (the variables returned from boxplot) are matrices of handles to the lines created by boxplot. In legend, you can specify exactly which lines to make a legend for, which in this case is certain elements from c and d, along with a and b.
Also, you can modify properties of the boxplot lines (such as LineWidth) by setting properties of the lines in c and d.
bothgrouped0hr = readtable('both_grouped_0hr.xlsx');
ROSdata = readtable('ROS_data.xlsx');
yyaxis left
ticks = 0:2:26;
a = plot(ROSdata.Time,ROSdata.ROSpercell,'LineWidth',1);
a.Color = '#0072BD';
hold on
b = plot(ROSdata.Time,ROSdata.Expulsion,'-','LineWidth',1);
b.Color = '#D95319';
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(1).Color = 'k';
yl = yline(1.41e-14, 'LineWidth',1); %threshold
yl.Color = [0.9290 0.6940 0.1250];
yyaxis right
c = boxplot(bothgrouped0hr.Turbinaria,bothgrouped0hr.Day,'colors','k','widths',1,'Positions',[1, 13, 18, 26]);
hold on
% here's how you can set the LineWidth:
d = boxplot(bothgrouped0hr.Duncan,bothgrouped0hr.Day,'colors','m','widths',1, 'Symbol', '','Positions',[0, 13, 18, 26]);
% here's how you can set the LineWidth:
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(2).Color = 'k';
% c and d, for reference.
% Each box (there are 4 boxes) contains 7 lines,
% so 7 rows, 4 columns. With some trial-and-error,
% you can figure out which element is which line.
c = 7×4
10.0022 17.0002 24.0002 31.0002 11.0005 18.0002 25.0002 32.0002 12.0004 19.0002 26.0002 33.0002 13.0004 20.0002 27.0002 34.0002 14.0002 21.0002 28.0002 35.0002 15.0002 22.0002 29.0002 36.0002 16.0002 23.0002 30.0002 37.0002
d = 7×4
38.0002 45.0002 52.0002 59.0002 39.0002 46.0002 53.0002 60.0002 40.0002 47.0002 54.0002 61.0002 41.0002 48.0002 55.0002 62.0002 42.0002 49.0002 56.0002 63.0002 43.0002 50.0002 57.0002 64.0002 44.0002 51.0002 58.0002 65.0002
legend( ...
[a b c(3,1) d(3,1)], ...
["ROS", "norm expulsion", "Turbinaria", "Duncan"], ...
'location', 'southeast')


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