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ros2genmsg not working or is there an alternative to sourcing ROS2 custom msgs

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
OS: Windows 10:
Python: version 3.7 installed from window's store installer
Been all day trying to get ros2genmsg function working. I have
-pyenv to the appropriate python3.7 exe
-pointed to cmake version 3.1 or higher
-installed visual studio and did a mex c++ command in matlab to select the VS2019 compiler.
After all that I still get errors when running rosgenmsg on a simple Test.msg. I feel like I have tried everything to get this working. Is there a way to source interfaces before opening MATLAB. For example, I have tried opening matlab from a terminal with ROS and said custom interface sourced. But this still does not import the custom interface. Is there a workaround to not having to call rosgenmsg.
Log file attached and quick image of error shown below.

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