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Plot tangent line on part of the curve

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Mark Sc
Mark Sc el 18 de Abr. de 2023
Comentada: Star Strider el 18 de Abr. de 2023
Hello all,
I am trying to plot tangent line but only on part of the curve not all, like first 25% or less on the curve.....
Also would like the tangent to start from zero
Then add another tangent a bit on right side...
I attached both file and matlab code, but I could not do it...
Looking to hearing from anyone
close all;
data = xlsread('data_tangent.xlsx');
x = data(:,1);
y = data(:,2);
x_n = x-x(1);
y_n = y-y(1);
B = x_n\y_n; % Force Origin Intercept
x1 = [0;x_n];
y1 = B*x1;
hold on
Thank you,

Respuesta aceptada

Star Strider
Star Strider el 18 de Abr. de 2023
Try this —
Data = readmatrix('data_tangent.xlsx')
Data = 13042×2
1.9803 7.3700 1.9823 7.3500 1.9853 7.3800 1.9873 7.4000 1.9903 7.3100 1.9933 7.5100 1.9953 7.5300 1.9973 7.4300 2.0003 7.5100 2.0022 7.7400
x = Data(:,1);
y = Data(:,2);
[ymax,idx] = max(y);
Binit = x(1:5) \ y(1:5)
Binit = 3.7086
Bymax = x(idx) \ y(idx)
Bymax = 3.2160
Line_init = x*Binit;
Line_initv = Line_init <= ymax;
Line_ymax = x*Bymax;
Line_ymaxv = Line_ymax <= ymax;
plot(x, y)
hold on
plot([0;x(Line_initv)], [0;Line_init(Line_initv)], '-r')
plot([0;x(Line_ymaxv)], [0;Line_ymax(Line_ymaxv)], '-r')
% plot(x(idx),y(idx),'r+')
hold off
axis([0 max(x) 0 max(y)])
  2 comentarios
Mark Sc
Mark Sc el 18 de Abr. de 2023
@Star Strider seems working but may i ask what are the indices of 1:5?
as when I apply it to other data seems not working
Let me know ??
Thanks anyway
Star Strider
Star Strider el 18 de Abr. de 2023
My pleasure!
Indices 1:5 are simply the initial part of the curve that is used to calculate the slope constant. They can be anything you want to use to define the initial part of the curve.
My code was designed for the data provided. To use it with other data, I need to see the other data and to know what the tangent lines for it are supposed to be, or at least more generally what the second tangent line criteria are.

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