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Failing parameter estimation using fmincon. Objective function is undefined at initial point.

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I am trying to make a Matlab script that uses a continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter (CD-EKF) and prediction-error-method (PEM) in order to estimate several of the parameters in a SDE. I spend several days trying to implement the PEM par using fmincon and I am now at a place where I could really use some help. When I run my main script I get the error:
Error using barrier
Objective function is undefined at initial point. Fmincon cannot continue.
I hope someone here can give me a notch in the right direction.
There are probably a number of places where I might have made a mistake, so I'll try to just go through the most of the code and leave some of the functions out. If one of the functions is necessary to see let me know.
First I got my main script:
% True parameters for simulation of CSTR
dH = -560;
rho = 1;
cp = 4.186;
p.V = 0.105;
p.CAin = 1.6/2;
p.CBin = 2.4/2;
p.Tin = 273.65;
p.logk0 = 24.6;
p.EaR = 8500;
p.beta = -dH/(rho*cp);
p.sigma = 5;
p.sigma_v = 0.15;
t0 = 0; % Starting time
tfMinutes = 35; % Final time in minutes
tf = tfMinutes*60; % Final time in seconds
N = 1000; % Steps per minute
Ns = 1; % Number of realizations for the standart Wiener process
nw = 1; % Dimensio for the standart Wiener process (one as the CSTR is a one-state model)
seed = 1401;
x0 = 273.65; % Initial temperature in Kalvin
t = 0:60:tf; % Time vector
% Flow rate
U = [repmat(0.7/60,1,3*N) repmat(0.6/60,1,2*N) repmat(0.5/60,1,2*N) repmat(0.4/60,1,2*N) ...
repmat(0.3/60,1,3*N) repmat(0.2/60,1,4*N) repmat(0.3/60,1,2*N) repmat(0.4/60,1,2*N) ...
repmat(0.5/60,1,2*N) repmat(0.6/60,1,2*N) repmat(0.7/60,1,4*N) repmat(0.2/60,1,4*N) ...
% 1D Euler-Maruyama (explicit-explicit) fixed step size
[W,T,~]=StdWienerProcess(tf,N*tfMinutes,nw,Ns,seed); % Standart Wiener process to generate white noise
Unrecognized function or variable 'StdWienerProcess'.
X = zeros(1,length(T),Ns);
% Simulation of the one-state CSTR model with true parameters
for i=1:Ns
X(:,:,i) = SDEsolverExplicitExplicit(...
% Estimating state and adding measurement noise. Due to the one-state model it is simply y = x + v
% where v = N~(0,sigma_v^2)
y = state_estimation(1, X, p.sigma_v, seed);
% Known values of p.V, p.CAin, p.CBin, p.Tin and p.sigma_v which are fixed
% parameters and not to be estimated
fixed_params = [p.V, p.CAin, p.CBin, p.Tin, p.sigma_v];
% Initial guesses for parameters that ought to be estimated, i.e. beta,
% log(k0), EaR and sigma
p_initial_guess = [130, 24, 8300, 7];
% Perform maximum likelihood parameter estimation
theta_estimated = ml_parameter_estimation(y, U, x0, T, p_initial_guess, fixed_params);
For the estimation of the parameters I am trying to use a maximum likelihood estimation by minimizing the negative log-likelihood function:
Where the innovation, , and covariance, , are computed from CD-EKF.
The ml_parameter_estimation function is:
function theta_est = ml_parameter_estimation(y, Us, x01d, Ts, p_initial, fixed_params)
% Set lower and upper bounds for the parameters in theta
lb = [129, 22, 8000, 3];
ub = [140, 26, 9000, 8];
% Define the objective function for maximum likelihood parameter estimation
objective_function = @(theta) ml_objective_function(theta, y, Us, x01d, Ts, fixed_params);
% Perform optimization to find the estimated parameter vector theta_est
options = optimoptions('fmincon', 'Algorithm', 'interior-point', 'Display', 'iter');
theta_est = fmincon(objective_function, p_initial, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], options);
The ml_objective_function function is:
function neg_log_likelihood = ml_objective_function(theta, y, Us, x01d, Ts, fixed_params)
% Extract the parameters from the theta vector
p.V = fixed_params(1);
p.CAin = fixed_params(2);
p.CBin = fixed_params(3);
p.Tin = fixed_params(4);
p.sigma_v = fixed_params(5);
p.Rk = p.sigma_v^2;
% Extract the remaining parameters from the theta vector
p.beta = theta(1);
p.logk0 = theta(2);
p.EaR = theta(3);
p.sigma = theta(4);
% Initialize CD-EKF
[~, ~, E_k, R_E_k] = cd_ekf(@CSTR1dFunJac, y, Us, x01d, 1, Ts, 1, p);
% Calculate the negative log-likelihood (maximize the log-likelihood)
N = size(y, 2);
n_y = size(y, 1);
neg_log_likelihood = (N + 1) / 2 * n_y * log(2 * pi);
for k = 1:N
neg_log_likelihood = neg_log_likelihood + 0.5 * (log(det(R_E_k(k))) + E_k(k)' * (R_E_k(k) \ E_k(k)));
The cd_ekf function is:
function [Xhat, P, E_k, R_E_k] = cd_ekf(funJac, y, u, x0, P0, T, C, p)
xhat_k1_k1 = x0; % Initial state estimate
P_k1_k1 = P0; % Initial state covariance
Xhat = zeros(length(y),1);
Xhat(1) = xhat_k1_k1;
P = zeros(length(y),1);
P(1) = P_k1_k1;
E_k = zeros(length(y),1);
R_E_k = zeros(length(y),1);
Rk = p.sigma_v^2;
% Perform prediction and filtering for each time step
for k = 1:length(T)-1
u_k1 = u(k); % Previous manipulated variable
y_k = y(k); % Measurement at current step
% Prediction step
[xhat_k_k1, P_k_k1] = cd_ekf_prediction(funJac, xhat_k1_k1, P_k1_k1, u_k1, p, T(k), T(k+1));
% Filtering step
[xhat_k_k, P_k_k, e_k, R_e_k] = cd_ekf_filtering(xhat_k_k1, P_k_k1, y_k, Rk, C);
% Update for the next iteration
xhat_k1_k1 = xhat_k_k;
P_k1_k1 = P_k_k;
Xhat(k+1) = xhat_k1_k1;
P(k+1) = P_k1_k1;
E_k(k+1) = e_k;
R_E_k(k+1) = R_e_k;
The cd_ekf_prediction function is:
function [xhat_k_k1, P_k_k1] = cd_ekf_prediction(funJac, xhat_k1_k1, P_k1_k1, u_k1, p, t_k1, t_k)
% Compute the one-step prediction using Explicit Euler method
N = 10; % Number of steps
[~, xhat_k_k1] = ExplicitEulerFixed(funJac, [t_k1, t_k], N, xhat_k1_k1, u_k1, p);
xhat_k_k1 = xhat_k_k1(end);
% Compute the Jacobian A_k1 using the provided function handle
[~, A_k1] = feval(funJac, t_k1, xhat_k1_k1, u_k1, p);
% Compute the derivative of P_k1_k1
sigma_k1 = p.sigma;
dP_k1_k1 = @(t, P) A_k1 * P + P * A_k1' + sigma_k1 * sigma_k1';
[~, P_k_k1] = ExplicitEulerFixed(dP_k1_k1, [t_k1, t_k], N, P_k1_k1);
P_k_k1 = P_k_k1(end);
And finally the cd_ekf_filtering function is:
function [xhat_k_k, P_k_k, e_k, R_e_k] = cd_ekf_filtering(xhat_k_k1, P_k_k1, y_k, R_k, C_k)
% Compute the measurement estimate
yhat_k_k1 = xhat_k_k1;
e_k = y_k - yhat_k_k1;
R_e_k = R_k + C_k * P_k_k1 * C_k';
% Compute the Kalman gain
K_k = P_k_k1 * C_k' / R_e_k;
% Update the state estimate and its covariance
xhat_k_k = xhat_k_k1 + K_k * e_k;
P_k_k = (eye(size(P_k_k1)) - K_k * C_k) * P_k_k1 * (eye(size(P_k_k1)) - K_k * C_k)' + K_k * R_k * K_k';
I know it is a pretty big implementation to digest and I hope that someone has the time and patience to help me. If any other scripts are needed such as the Euler-Maruyama, standart Wiener process etc. are needed let me know.

Respuesta aceptada

Torsten el 28 de Jul. de 2023
Movida: Matt J el 28 de Jul. de 2023
Before calling fmincon, add the line
and see what your function returns.
My guess is Inf or NaN.
Then start to debug your code to find out why this happens.

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