apiURL = 'https://catfact.ninja/fact';
uri = matlab.net.URI(apiURL);
asAtDate = '2023-10-01T00:00:00';
airportCountryNames = ["Israel", "Ukraine"];
countryNamesJoined = strjoin(airportCountryNames, ',');
matlab.net.QueryParameter('as_at_date', asAtDate), ...
matlab.net.QueryParameter('airport_country_name', countryNamesJoined)];
request = matlab.net.http.RequestMessage;
request.Method = matlab.net.http.RequestMethod.GET;
contentTypeField = matlab.net.http.field.ContentTypeField('application/json');
request.Header = [request.Header; contentTypeField];
uriObj = matlab.net.URI(uri);
response = send(request, uriObj);
StatusLine with properties:
ProtocolVersion: "HTTP/1.1"
StatusCode: OK
ReasonPhrase: "OK"
fact: 'The normal body temperature of a cat is between 100.5 ° and 102.5 °F. A cat is sick if its temperature goes below 100 ° or above 103 °F.'
length: 136
Please ensure that this matches the API specification you're working with. If the server expects a JSON payload in the body of the POST request, you would need to construct a JSON body rather than using query parameters. Adjust the contentTypeField and the request body as necessary based on the server's requirements.
- I used GET request for demo URL 'apiURL = 'https://catfact.ninja/fact'; % Change it as per your requirements'
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- Electrical and Electronics Engineering