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solve n equation with n Variable

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Milad Javan
Milad Javan el 7 de Nov. de 2011
Respondida: Yagna V el 22 de En. de 2020
I want to write a program that get n from user and solve n equation with n variable. How should I write solve command.
variable: syms V1 , V2 , ... , Vn
equations: eq=[eq1 eq2 ... eqn]
My question is about writing n variable at solve command. Thanks.

Respuesta aceptada

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov el 7 de Nov. de 2011
function out = slveqs(namvar,n,eqs)
namvar - string (e.g. namvar = 'V')
n - double (e.g. n = 2)
eqs - cell array string value(e.g. eqs = {'V1^2-V2 = 4','V1+V2 = 8'})
k = num2cell(sym(namvar,[n,1]));
out = solve(eqs{:},k{:});
  1 comentario
armood el 14 de Jun. de 2019
I appericiate your attention. I tried this script but I'm affraid it doesn't work propperly. Can you help me out please? an example or something...

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Más respuestas (1)

Yagna V
Yagna V el 22 de En. de 2020
clear all;
n=input("Enter Number of Equations to be formed: ");
syms v [1,n]
for i=1:n
eqn(i) = (v(i)+1)^2+(v(i)-1)^2==20;
After this u get an array where the values are stored in symbols


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