Islocalmin/max on an Animated Plot and Indices Problem

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Stella el 28 de En. de 2024
Comentada: Stella el 30 de En. de 2024
Hi again!! I try to use islocalmin/max instead of findpeaks for my valleys and peaks, then use the previous answers for the same problem. But when I put the code in my for-loop code, it says "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values". Am I doing something wrong? because before I used findpeaks and call it even before the for-loop so it's not actually a real-time signal processing, so i put it in the for-loop and use local min/max instead. Also i multiplied my i to 100 because I want to plot it fastly, but also get problems on it.
%raw data from XYZ direction
NormChest = readtable('TV_1.5l_Hong.csv'); %%%get the raw data
C = table2array(NormChest(:,1));
x = table2array(NormChest(:,2));
y = table2array(NormChest(:,4));
z = table2array(NormChest(:,6));
total = table2array(NormChest(:,8));
time = C(:,1);
% get relative acceleration
x = x - mean(x);
y = y - mean(y);
z = z - mean(z);
total = total - mean(total);
time = time - time (1);
%design for low pass filter
fs = 1000; %sampling frequency
fc = 0.5; %cut-off frequency
order = 2;
[b1, a1] = butter (order, fc/(fs/2));
% magnitude computation
mag = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2);
figure (1)
plot (mag); axis tight;
mag = filtfilt (b1, a1, mag);
% Initialize the plot
h = plot(time(1), mag(1)); hold on; % Start with the first data point
xlabel('Time'); axis tight;
title('Real-time Signal Analysis');
h.XDataSource = 'x1'; % Set the data source properties for dynamic updating
h.YDataSource = 'y1';
for i = 2:length (time)
% Update the data source
x1 = time(1:i*100);
y1 = mag(1:i*100);
refreshdata(h, 'caller');
[TF1, P1] = islocalmin (mag);
[TF2, P2] = islocalmax (mag);
TF1 = -TF1;
valid_vks_indices = P1 (time(P1) <= x1 (end));
valid_pks_indices = P2 (time(P2) <= x1 (end));
if ~isempty (valid_vks_indices)
plot (time(valid_vks_indices), TF1(ismember(P1, valid_vks_indices)), 'or');
if ~isempty (valid_pks_indices)
plot (time(valid_pks_indices), TF2 (ismember(P2, valid_pks_indices)), 'or');
hold off;
Thank you in advance for the help and I am still working on being good in Matlab, too.

Respuestas (1)

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi el 28 de En. de 2024
The syntax of islocalmax (and islocalmin) is different than that of findpeaks.
Check the documentation for the appropriate syntax and incorporate the corrections accordingly.
  5 comentarios
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi el 30 de En. de 2024
Could you please share the data you are working with, so I can run your code and see what the issue is?
Stella el 30 de En. de 2024
Ohh !!Thank you!! I was actually having trouble with it for days and I want to have like the same (or closer) one with a labview code i made before where i also waited sometime before showing the peaks/valleys to make sure that they are really the peaks and valleys. I know I already have my labview code, but I am still new to matlab so I am not yet familiar with a lot of the functions. I also attached the example video of the labview code i made.

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