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Scatter plot data different resolution satellite images

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
SnovG el 10 de Jun. de 2015
Comentada: Chad Greene el 11 de Jun. de 2015
I have two satellite images with different resolutions and I would like to do a scatter plot comparing pixels
for the same latitude and longitude. I have both images in netcdf format, with their correspondent latitude, longitude and band information (in this case Reflectance at 859 nm). Any ideas on how I could do this in matlab? I have inserted an image showing what I want to obtain (Vanhellemont & Ruddick 2015).
  2 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 10 de Jun. de 2015
Is the scale large enough that curvature of the Earth must be worried about, or can it be treated as flat rectangular?
SnovG el 11 de Jun. de 2015
Yes, it can be treated as rectangular. Is not large.

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Respuestas (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene el 10 de Jun. de 2015
If both images are the same size, and each pixel in image A corresponds to the same lat/lon of the same pixel in image B, You can get a scatter plot by
Does the color in your example image correspond to density of scattered points? If so, something like this might help.
Here's an example with some random data:
% Create lat/lon grid:
[lon,lat] = meshgrid(-180:180,-90:90);
% Create two sample data images:
A = 50*cosd(lat) + 5*sind(lon);
B = A+30*randn(size(A))./(A.^1.2);
A = A/2e3;
B = B/2e3;
B(B<0) = NaN;
% Set ocean data to NaN:
ocean = ~landmask(lat,lon);
A(ocean) = NaN;
B(ocean) = NaN;
shading flat
axis tight
borders('countries','color',rgb('dark gray'),'nomap')
title 'Image A'
shading flat
axis tight
borders('countries','color',rgb('dark gray'),'nomap')
title 'Image B'
And to compare the two images:
axis([0 0.03 0 0.03])
hold on
xlabel 'Rrs 859 nm (MODIS-Terra)'
ylabel 'Rrs 865 nm (OLI)'
Above, landmask, brewermap, borders, rgb, and polyplot are all available on the File Exchange site.
  2 comentarios
SnovG el 11 de Jun. de 2015
Thank you for your answer. The only thing is that since they have diferent resolutions, I think I need to degrade the MODIS data to have both grids overlap. Or I wonder if I should coarse the grid of OLI 8, o make the MODIS grid finer, to have the same amount of pixels to compare.
Chad Greene
Chad Greene el 11 de Jun. de 2015
Ah, you mean horizontal spatial resolution. I'd use interp2 to downsample the higher resolution image. But note that simply using interp2 may result in slightly aliased data from high-spatial-frequency information, so you may want to do a low-pass filter before interp2. If you have the image processing toolbox, imresize is another option.

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