How can read .csv file in matlab

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
mulus el 21 de Sept. de 2015
Comentada: Sajid Afaque el 16 de Jun. de 2020
I have a .csv file which contains both string and numbers , the first raw contains columns name which is string and the rest of raw's contains integer value . my file look like
Id age sex subject
12 21 1 3
I want to read it and store it as a cell array for counting the frequent itemsets . how can I do that . please help me.
Thank you.
  1 comentario
Renato Agurto
Renato Agurto el 21 de Sept. de 2015
Hi. Can you open your csv file with a text editor and see which separator is used for the values: ' ,' or ' ;' ?

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Respuestas (2)

Yogesh Badhe
Yogesh Badhe el 21 de Sept. de 2015
If you have MATLAB R2014a or later version you have "Import data" tab on main window under Home tab. Just click on that, browse to your desired file and click import. Thats it.
  1 comentario
mulus el 21 de Sept. de 2015
Hello JPro,
I am using MATLAB 7.8.0 R2009a. I have frequent.m file , It contains a function function [frequentItemsets]= frequent(Transaction,Support) I want to read .csv file which contains transactions and store it as a cell array to count the occurrence frequency of each item.
thanks .

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 21 de Sept. de 2015
If you are using a new enough version of MATLAB (might require R2015b), then csvread() should work if you pass it parameters that tell it to skip the first line
fid = fopen('YourFile.csv','rt');
datacell = textscan(fid, '%d%d%d%d', 'HeaderLines',1,'Delimiter',',','CollectData', 1);
now datacell{1} is your numeric matrix
  3 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 21 de Sept. de 2015
Replace YourFile.csv with the actual name of your file.
Sajid Afaque
Sajid Afaque el 16 de Jun. de 2020
what if i have variable numer of columns and rows

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