FFT frequency does not correspond to my sensor frequency

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Maxence el 4 de Feb. de 2016
Editada: Maxence el 4 de Feb. de 2016
I'm trying to use matlab in order to retrieve the tremor fundamental frequency of a IMU sensor.
I use FFT and PSD to get my funcdamental frequency.
To perform measurements, i calibrated a 3D printer stepper motor. It manage to create rotational vibration around the Z axis of the IMU at a 2.01Hz. However, when i process the data into matlab, i retrieve a 1.3Hz fundamental frequency...
I don't know if my sensor values are incorrect or if my processing is incorrect.
Something to know : my signal is triangle waves due to the stepper motor.
Please find here the matlab code and a sample of data as attachment.
if true
%import csv file
M = csvread('3.csv');
%select the gx column
gx = M(:,1);
%select the gy column
gy = M(:,2);
%select the gz column
gz = M(:,3);
%size of M (same size for each column)
s = size(gx, 1);
%because of loop, need s/2
s2 = fix(s/2);
% computes the fast fourier transform of M for gx
Ygx = fft(gx, s);
% computes the fast fourier transform of M for gy
Ygy = fft(gy, s);
% computes the fast fourier transform of M for gz
Ygz = fft(gz, s);
%Compute the power spectral density for gx
PSDYgx = Ygx.*conj(Ygx)/s;
%Compute the power spectral density for gy
PSDYgy = Ygy.*conj(Ygy)/s;
%Compute the power spectral density for gz
PSDYgz = Ygz.*conj(Ygz)/s;
%acquisition frequency
Hz = 30;
%calculate X axis (frequency)
f = Hz/s*(0:s2);
%find peaks of the frequency sampl1e for gx
[pksgx,locsgx] = findpeaks(PSDYgx(1:s2+1), 'SortStr', 'descend', 'NPeaks', 1);
%find peaks of the frequency sample for gy
[pksgy,locsgy] = findpeaks(PSDYgy(1:s2+1), 'SortStr', 'descend', 'NPeaks', 1);
%find peaks of the frequency sample for gz
[pksgz,locsgz] = findpeaks(PSDYgz(1:s2+1), 'SortStr', 'descend', 'NPeaks', 1);
color = {'b', 'k', 'r'};
PSDYg = {PSDYgx(1:s2+1), PSDYgy(1:s2+1), PSDYgz(1:s2+1)};
pksg = {pksgx, pksgy, pksgz};
locsg = {locsgx, locsgy, locsgz};
linevgxx = [f(locsgx), f(locsgx)];
linevgxy = [pksgx, 0];
linehgxx = [0, f(locsgx)];
linehgxy = [pksgx, pksgx];
linevgyx = [f(locsgy), f(locsgy)];
linevgyy = [pksgy, 0];
linehgyx = [0, f(locsgy)];
linehgyy = [pksgy, pksgy];
linevgzx = [f(locsgz), f(locsgz)];
linevgzy = [pksgz, 0];
linehgzx = [0, f(locsgz)];
linehgzy = [pksgz, pksgz];
linevgx = {linevgxx, linevgyx, linevgzx};
linevgy = {linevgxy, linevgyy, linevgzy};
linehgx = {linehgxx, linehgyx, linehgzx};
linehgy = {linehgxy, linehgyy, linehgzy};
for i = 1:3
hold on
plot(f, PSDYg{i}, 'Color', color{i})
plot(f(locsg{i}), pksg{i}, 'Color', color{i}, 'MarkerFaceColor', color{i}, 'Marker' , 'v')
plot(linevgx{i}, linevgy{i}, color{i})
plot(linehgx{i}, linehgy{i}, color{i})
str = sprintf('%0.3e', f(locsg{i}));
str2 = strcat(num2str(str), ' Hz');
h = text(f(locsg{i}), -0.1 ,str2);
set(h, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'top', 'Color', color{i});
str = sprintf('%0.3e', pksg{i});
str2 = strcat(num2str(str), ' g²/Hz');
h = text(-0.5, pksg{i}, str2);
set(h, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'color', color{i});
title('Power Spcetral Density for gyroscope')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power (g²/Hz)')
hold off
Thanks for your help !

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