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I have one matlab code which gives me totally 3*3 matrix of an put image but very time i run the code the output will be change and big difference between the outputs are coming every time. here following my code pls help me n it

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
clc;clear all;close all; %% Selection of Original Image %%%%% %% [a,b]=uigetfile('*.jpg','Select the Input Image'); str=strcat(b,a); f=imread(str); % f=imread('1.jpg'); %%%%%% Color Space Transformation %%%%%% %%%% Separation of Hue, Saturation and Intensity Components %%%%% fhsv=rgb2hsv(f);
fh=fhsv(:,:,1); %figure,imshow(fh);title('The Hue Component of the Original Image'); fs=fhsv(:,:,2); %figure,imshow(fs);title('The Saturation Component of the Original Image'); fv=fhsv(:,:,3); %figure,imshow(fv);title('The Intensity Component of the Original Image'); % figure,imshow(fv);title('Intensity Component'); fgr=rgb2gray(f); %% Conversion of original Image to grayscale Image figure,imshow(fgr);title('Original Grayscale Image');
%% Diffusion for Effective Filtering %%%%%%% %% %%%%%%%%% Diffusion Parameters %%%%%%%%%% iter =10; delta_t = 1/7; kappa = 15; adi=double(fs); diff_im = adi; dx = 1;dy = 1;dd=sqrt(2); hN = [0 1 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 0]; hS = [0 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 1 0]; hE = [0 0 0; 0 -1 1; 0 0 0]; hW = [0 0 0; 1 -1 0; 0 0 0]; hNE = [0 0 1; 0 -1 0; 0 0 0]; hSE = [0 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1]; hSW = [0 0 0; 0 -1 0; 1 0 0]; hNW = [1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 0]; for t = 1:iter nablaN = imfilter(diff_im,hN,'conv'); nablaS = imfilter(diff_im,hS,'conv'); nablaW = imfilter(diff_im,hW,'conv'); nablaE = imfilter(diff_im,hE,'conv'); nablaNE = imfilter(diff_im,hNE,'conv'); nablaSE = imfilter(diff_im,hSE,'conv'); nablaSW = imfilter(diff_im,hSW,'conv'); nablaNW = imfilter(diff_im,hNW,'conv'); cN = 1./(1 + (nablaN/kappa).^2); cS = 1./(1 + (nablaS/kappa).^2); cW = 1./(1 + (nablaW/kappa).^2); cE = 1./(1 + (nablaE/kappa).^2); cNE = 1./(1 + (nablaNE/kappa).^2); cSE = 1./(1 + (nablaSE/kappa).^2); cSW = 1./(1 + (nablaSW/kappa).^2); cNW = 1./(1 + (nablaNW/kappa).^2); end diff_im = diff_im+delta_t*((1/(dy^2))*cN.*nablaN + (1/(dy^2))*cS.*nablaS + ... (1/(dx^2))*cW.*nablaW + (1/(dx^2))*cE.*nablaE + ... (1/(dd^2))*cNE.*nablaNE + (1/(dd^2))*cSE.*nablaSE + ... (1/(dd^2))*cSW.*nablaSW + (1/(dd^2))*cNW.*nablaNW ); % end f3=diff_im; %% Gabor Filtering %%% %%
%%%%%%%%%%%% Defining Parameters of Gabor Filter %%%%%%%%%%%%%
u=5; v=8; m=39; n=39;d1=39;d2=39; gaborArray = cell(u,v); fmax = 10; gama = sqrt(2); eta = sqrt(2); %%%%%%% Application of Gabor Filter %%%%%%%%% for i = 1:u fu = fmax/((sqrt(2))^(i-1)); alpha = fu/gama; beta = fu/eta; for j = 1:v tetav = ((j-1)/v)*pi; gFilter = zeros(m,n); for x = 1:m for y = 1:n xprime = (x-((m+1)/2))*cos(tetav)+(y-((n+1)/2))*sin(tetav); yprime = -(x-((m+1)/2))*sin(tetav)+(y-((n+1)/2))*cos(tetav); gFilter(x,y) = (fu^2/(pi*gama*eta))*exp(-((alpha^2)*(xprime^2)+(beta^2)*(yprime^2)))*exp(1i*2*pi*fu*xprime); end end gaborArray{i,j} = gFilter; end end img=double(f3); [u,v] = size(gaborArray); gaborResult = cell(u,v); for i = 1:u for j = 1:v gaborResult{i,j} = imfilter(img, gaborArray{i,j}); end end featureVector = []; for i = 1:u for j = 1:v gaborAbs = abs(gaborResult{i,j}); gaborAbs = downsample(gaborAbs,d1); gaborAbs = downsample(gaborAbs.',d2); gaborAbs = gaborAbs(:); gaborAbs = (gaborAbs-mean(gaborAbs))/std(gaborAbs,1); featureVector = [featureVector; gaborAbs]; end end
figure;imshow(abs(gaborResult{i,j}),[]);title('Result-1'); rimg1=abs(gaborResult{2,5}); rimg2=abs(gaborResult{3,5}); rimg3=abs(gaborResult{4,5}); rimg4=abs(gaborResult{5,5}); figure,subplot(121);imshow(fgr);title('Original Grayscale Image'); subplot(122);imshow(abs(gaborResult{2,5}),[]);title('Result at [Scale Orientation]=[2 5]'); figure,subplot(121);imshow(fgr);title('Original Grayscale Image'); subplot(122);imshow(abs(gaborResult{3,5}),[]);title('Result at [Scale Orientation]=[3 5]'); figure,subplot(121);imshow(fgr);title('Original Grayscale Image'); subplot(122);imshow(abs(gaborResult{4,5}),[]);title('Result at [Scale Orientation]=[4 5]'); figure,subplot(121);imshow(fgr);title('Original Grayscale Image'); subplot(122);imshow(abs(gaborResult{5,5}),[]);title('Result at [Scale Orientation]=[5 5]');
fs1=im2bw(fs); figure,imshow(fs1);title('Binarized Image'); se2=strel('disk',3); fs2=imclose(fs1,se2);title('Filling of Small Holes'); figure,imshow(fs2); se1=strel('disk',5);title('Removal of small regions'); fs3=imopen(fs2,se1); %figure,imshow(fs3);title('Final Processed Image'); for i=1:size(fs,1) for j=1:size(fs,2) if(fs3(i,j)==1) fs4(i,j)=fs(i,j); fk1(i,j)=fh(i,j); fk2(i,j)=fv(i,j); else fs4(i,j)=0; fk1(i,j)=0; fk2(i,j)=0;
figure,imshow(fs4);title('Extracted Region');
%% Labelling and Connected Component Analysis %%%%% %% [B,L]=bwboundaries(fs3,'noholes'); hold on for k = 1:length(B) boundary = B{k}; plot(boundary(:,2), boundary(:,1), 'y', 'LineWidth', 4) end fk3=cat(3,fk1,fs4,fk2); fk4=hsv2rgb(fk3);
figure,imshow(fk4);title('Extracted Region as in Original Color Image'); %%
%%%%% Computation of color Features %%%% %% seg_mean=mean2(fs4); disp('The mean of the segmented Region is'); disp(seg_mean); %% seg_sd=std2(fs4); disp('The standard deviation for the segmented Region is'); disp(seg_sd); %%
I = im2double(fs4); kurt=kurtosis(I(:)); seg_kurt=kurt; disp('The kurtosis value for the segmented region is'); disp(seg_kurt); %% I2 = im2double(fs4); seg_skew=skewness(I2(:)); disp('The skewness value for the segmented region is'); disp(seg_skew); %% v = var(fs4); seg_v=mean(v); disp('The variance value for the segmented region is'); disp(seg_v); %% %% %%%%% Computation of Textural Features %%%% %% M=calc_entropy(fs4); disp('The entropy value for the segmented region is'); disp(M);
%% %%LBP%% imwrite(fk4,'ni.jpg'); imgk=imread('ni.jpg'); img=rgb2gray(imgk); nFiltSize=7; nFiltRadius=1; filtR=generateRadialFilterLBP(nFiltSize, nFiltRadius);
effLBP= efficientLBP(img, 'filtR', filtR, 'isRotInv', false, 'isChanWiseRot', false); binsRange=(1:2^nFiltSize)-1;
figure; subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow(imgk); title('Original segmented image', 'fontSize', 18);
subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow( effLBP ); title('Efficeint LBP image', 'fontSize', 18);
%% imwrite(fk3,'nimg.jpg'); imgkk=imread('nimg.jpg'); %figure, imshow(img), title('X axis rock cut'); %figure is for creating a figure window. % text(size(img,2),size(img,1)+15,... % 'Unconventional shale x axis cut', ... % 'FontSize',7,'HorizontalAlignment','right'); conversionform = makecform('srgb2lab'); %the form of the conversion is defined as from rgb to l a b lab_img = applycform(imgkk,conversionform); %converting the rgb image to l a b image using the conversion form defined above. ab = double(lab_img(:,:,2:3)); nrows = size(ab,1); ncols = size(ab,2); ab = reshape(ab,nrows*ncols,2); nColors = 3; [cluster_idx, cluster_center] = kmeans(ab,nColors,'distance','sqEuclidean', ... 'Replicates',3); pixel_labels = reshape(cluster_idx,nrows,ncols); %figure, imshow(pixel_labels,[]), title('image labeled by cluster index');
segmented_images = cell(1,3); rgb_label = repmat(pixel_labels,[1 1 3]);
for k = 1:nColors color = imgkk; color(rgb_label ~= k) = 0; segmented_images{k} = color; end
cl1=segmented_images{1}(:,:,1); cl2=segmented_images{2}(:,:,2); cl3=segmented_images{3}(:,:,3);
cll1=imresize(cl1,[100 100]); cll2=imresize(cl2,[100 100]); cll3=imresize(cl3,[100 100]); data=cll1;
[mk1 mk2]=size(data); G=0; S=0; N=0; for i=1:mk2
if(max(data(:,i))>135 && max(data(:,i)<196));
count_red=[G S N];
dataa=cll2; [mk1 mk2]=size(dataa); G=0; S=0; N=0; for i=1:mk2
if(max(dataa(:,i))>145 && max(dataa(:,i)<156));
count_black=[G S N];
dataaa=cll3; [mk1 mk2]=size(dataaa); G=0; S=0; N=0; for i=1:mk2
if(max(dataaa(:,i))>145 && max(dataaa(:,i)<156));
count_yellow=[G S N];
%% Count is
disp('Count for red pixels is (In ordr of Granulation Slought and Nacrotics)') count_red
disp('Count for red pixels is (In ordr of Granulation Slought and Nacrotics)') count_black
disp('Count for red pixels is (In ordr of Granulation Slought and Nacrotics)') count_yellow
  3 comentarios
Vertika Jain
Vertika Jain el 18 de En. de 2017
My research topic is shadow detection and removal for occluded object info in HRSI. I've successfully completed the detection part, but unable to remove the detected shadow.
Can anyone help me with d same.
Jan el 18 de En. de 2017
@Vertika Jain: Please do not post a question in the comment section of anotehr question. Prefer to open a new thread. Thanks.

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