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Generating a random symmetric matrix

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
MK96 el 16 de Nov. de 2016
Editada: Alexandra Harkai el 16 de Nov. de 2016
I am trying to generate a random symmetric matrix consisting of 1s and 0s (adjacency matrix)
I have the following;
A = randi(2,N,N) - 1 % Generates a random nxn matrix with values 0 or 1 (Adjacency Matrix)
However this produces a random adjacency matrix which is not symmetric.
How can I change this code to make the matrix symmetric?

Respuesta aceptada

Alexandra Harkai
Alexandra Harkai el 16 de Nov. de 2016
Editada: Alexandra Harkai el 16 de Nov. de 2016
A = randi(2,N,N) - 1;
A = A - tril(A,-1) + triu(A,1)';
This will copy the upper triangle to the lower triangle.

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