please help with my code
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Im trying to use kalman filters
A = [1.1269 -0.4940 0.1129;
1.0000 0 0;
0 1.0000 0];
B = [-0.3832;
C = [1 0 0];
Plant = ss(A,[B B],C,0,[] ,'inputname',{'u' 'w'},'outputname','y');
Q = 1;
R = 1;
[kalmf,L,P,M] = kalman(Plant,Q,R);
kalmf = kalmf(1,:);
a = A;
b = [B B 0*B];
c = [C;C];
d = [0 0 0;0 0 1];
P = ss(a,b,c,d,-1,'inputname',{'u' 'w' 'v'},'outputname',{'y' 'yv'});
sys = parallel(P,kalmf,1,1,[],[]);
SimModel = feedback(sys,1,4,2,1); % Close loop around input #4 and output #2
SimModel = SimModel([1 3],[1 2 3]); % Delete yv from I/O list
src = dsp.SignalSource('SamplesPerFrame',5600);
src.Signal = xlsread('D:\ieee14\trainingset.xlsx',1,'A1:AB5601');
u = src.Signal;
src1 = dsp.SignalSource('SamplesPerFrame',5600);
src1.Signal = xlsread('D:\ieee14\faultset.xlsx',1,'A1:AB5601');
w = src1.Signal;
src2 = dsp.SignalSource('SamplesPerFrame',5600);
src2.Signal = xlsread('D:\ieee14\faultset.xlsx',1,'A5601:AB11201');
v = src2.Signal;
%T = horzcat[w,v,u,...];
%D = vertcat(u,v,w);
[out,x] = lsim(SimModel,[],[w,v,u]);
% sine1 = dsp.SineWave('spf',5600);
% sine1.Signal = xlsread('D:\ieee14\faultset.xlsx',1,'A1:N5601'), 10,xlsread('D:\ieee14\faultset.xlsx',1,'O1:AB5601');
% src = dsp.SignalSource(xlsread('D:\ieee14\faultset.xlsx',1,'A5601:AB11201'));
% %src.Signal = xlsread('D:\ieee14\faultset.xlsx',1,'A5601:AB11201');
i keep getting this error , how can i remove it?
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
i have attached my input files as pictures as the files are too big to upload ; input image is a dataset with stable and unstable system voltage and phase (vtg is from A:N and phase from O:AB) and the input image is an excel sheet with 5600 fault values and 5601:16801 are the normal stable system values
input2 image is the values to be tested and using kalman to find how close they are to the dataset
Thanks in advance
I also wanted to keep u to be a input like
src = dsp.SignalSource('SamplesPerFrame',1);
src.Signal = xlsread('D:\ieee14\trainingset.xlsx',1,'A1:AB1');
u = src.Signal;
but as it shows this error
Error using DynamicSystem/lsim (line 84)
When simulating the response to a specific input signal, the input data U must be a matrix with as many rows as samples in the time
vector T, and as many columns as input channels.
Error in kalman15thapril (line 36)
[out,x] = lsim(SimModel,[w,v]);
18 comentarios
Walter Roberson
el 18 de Abr. de 2017
I am not sure if I understand your question, but it seems to me you could extract appropriate columns from your input. For example,
U3 = [w(:,4), v(:,4), u(:,21)];
[out,x] = lsim(SimModel, U3, []);
Nana Fernandes
el 18 de Abr. de 2017
Editada: Nana Fernandes
el 18 de Abr. de 2017
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