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Error starting parallel pool

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
MatlabNinja el 5 de Jun. de 2017
Comentada: Raymond Norris el 2 de Nov. de 2020
Hi I am getting following error when I start parallel pool. Any insight would be appreciated.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... Warning: Unable to calculate the dependencies of the files: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\toolbox\distcomp\@distcomp\nop.m
because: Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file. What() is:fl:filesystem:AccessDenied
  1 comentario
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 5 de Jun. de 2017
You appear to have a corrupt installation, at least in the matter of the security permissions on various files or directories. I would recommend uninstalling the Parallel Computing Toolbox and reinstalling it.

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Respuestas (1)

Lionel Trebuchon
Lionel Trebuchon el 2 de Nov. de 2020
It is painful to have this warning and to always come back to this very thread. It seems like the warning is a "symptom" of slow startup. I can only write down the different tests that have been made. The workers appea in admin center, and all I am trying to do is the following:
cluster = parcluster('IRAMP_MDCS_TRAIN');
p = parpool(cluster, 1)
On worker server client node:
  1. command prompt: mdce stop -> mdce uninstall -> mdce install -> mdce start
  2. command prompt (as Administrator): mdce stop -> mdce uninstall -> mdce install -> mdce start
On head node:
  1. Make more workers (on worker server client) available than needed.
  2. Make workers available on head node instead of worker server client.
The toolboxes available on the head node are many, on the worker server client node, apart from the basics: database + datafeed, distcomp, stats
  1 comentario
Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris el 2 de Nov. de 2020
Just want to make one observation. The OP is using the local scheduler ("using the 'local' profile") . Lionel's comments are in regards to the MJS scheduler (admin center, mdce, etc.).

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