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divide RGB color space into 16x16x16 bins

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Elysi Cochin
Elysi Cochin el 3 de En. de 2018
Respondida: Guillaume el 3 de En. de 2018
How to divide RGB color space into 16x16x16 bins.
And then calculate the number of the bins, into which there are pixels to be divided
  1 comentario
KSSV el 3 de En. de 2018
YOu must have a look on reshape, blockproc.

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Guillaume el 3 de En. de 2018
Assuming your image is of type double (i.e: intensity range is 0-1), then:
bins = linspace(0, 1, 16); %if image is uint8, then linspace(0, 255, 16)
bincoords = discretize(rgbimage, bins);
bincoords(row, col, :) is a 3 element vector giving you the location of pixel(row, col) into that 16x16x16 histogram cube. If you want to change that into linear indices:
bincoordslinear = sub2ind([16 16 16], bincoords(:, :, 1), bincoords(:, :, 2), bincoords(:, :, 3));

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