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Hi,How to plot vectors with different sizes against each other ? size of one vector is 24244x1 and other vector is 24243x1

11 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hi, How to plot vectors with different sizes against each other ? size of one vector is 24244x1 and other vector is 24243x1
  3 comentarios

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Respuestas (3)

the cyclist
the cyclist el 21 de Mayo de 2018
Editada: the cyclist el 21 de Mayo de 2018
The correct way to do this depends on how the two vectors relate to each other. Take a smaller example. Suppose my two vectors are v1 = [1 2 3 4] and v2 = [4 6 8].
I could plot the first three elements of v1 against v2. (This is what the code in gabriella's comment would do.) Or I could plot the last three elements of v1 against v2. Or I could plot all elements of both vectors on a normalized scale, such that the first and last elements of the two vectors line up with each other.
Which approach is most accurate will depend on the relative relationship of v1 and v2. You need to give more info for us to be more specific.
  1 comentario
Sameera Rayapudi
Sameera Rayapudi el 3 de Mayo de 2023
As mentioned above (in cyclist's comment), I want to plot my two vectors of different lengths on a normalized scale, such that the first and last elements of the two vectors line up with each other. Can someone help me with how to do that?

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord el 21 de Mayo de 2018
Since one of the vectors is one element shorter than the other, I suspect the shorter is the result of using diff on the longer. If that's the case, take a look at the "Approximate Derivatives with diff" example on that documentation page. Note that when plotting X versus Y and Z, we only plot using part of X. That's to account for this behavior on the output: "If X is a nonempty array, then the dimension of X acted on by diff is reduced in size by n in the output."
If you didn't use diff to generate the shorter vector, then along the lines of what the cyclist said you need to either shorten the longer vector by eliminating one element or lengthen the shorter vector by padding with 0, NaN, or something else.

Michael Mauersberger
Michael Mauersberger el 29 de Abr. de 2020
maybe you want to plot one vector v of length xv over a vector u of length xu. Then you can interpolate. It is assumed, that u is not equally distributed.
u = [1,2,8,16];
v = [6,4,3,5,2,1,6];
% Interpolate the v-vector to positions in u
u_ = interp1q((1:size(u,2))',u',linspace(1,size(u,2),size(v,2))');
% Interpolate the new v_-vector to u
v_ = interp1q(u_,v',u');
hold on
plot(u,v_) % 1st plot
plot(u_,v) % 2nd plot
You see in the 1st plot, that you only have that amount of data of the smaller vector.
The 2nd plot seems more promising... But you have no information about the further distribution of the abscissa u.
Best regards,


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