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I am trying to use JAVA in my Matlab code which I never did.

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Dear colleagues,
I try to implement this ThingSpeak-java , but after
javaaddpath('... Documents\MATLAB\thingspeak-java-master\lib\log4j.jar')
import org.apache.log4j.*
I do not know what to do next. I cannot use the standard Matlab library for ThingSpeak, because it is not supported by compilator.
Thank you for your help Z.
  6 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 20 de Jun. de 2018
"Support for MATLAB and Toolboxes"
and look at the bottom.
"Any product not listed above is not supported and will not work with the MATLAB Compiler."
Notice that absolutely no Support Packages are listed. Therefore not only are all support packages not supported by MATLAB Compiler, but we are assured that they will not work.
Users do not have time to go around doing extensive testing to find the lurking problem that we are told is there. Not "There might be a needle in this haystack" (unsupported), but "If you can get in the door at all, there is a poison needle in this haystack."
Vinod el 20 de Jun. de 2018
Thanks for making me aware of that, Walter. I have alerted the documentation team that this may need to be revised.

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Zdenek Kubin
Zdenek Kubin el 21 de Jun. de 2018
I really did the test. I added the path and it does not work. Next step, I added the files from the lib but it did not work either.

Más respuestas (2)

Zdenek Kubin
Zdenek Kubin el 22 de Jun. de 2018
I wrote to technical support and add this picture

Zdenek Kubin
Zdenek Kubin el 22 de Jun. de 2018
Vinod - thanks. that was the point, I try to add the .m function which is called from matlab. But I have to add.p function from different location. now it works, many thanks

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