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Solving ODE's

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Riaz Patel
Riaz Patel el 26 de Nov. de 2018
Comentada: Riaz Patel el 26 de Nov. de 2018
Hi all,
I am trying to solve the following ODE's for a given value of u:
Screenshot 2018-11-26 at 11.03.06.png
Screenshot 2018-11-26 at 11.05.02.png
Screenshot 2018-11-26 at 11.04.27.png
and t = T-tau.
I solved the ODE for E using ODE45. The solution returns Nan for the last few values of tau. I also dont know how to take this solution for E(u,tau) and use this to find A(u,tau).
My code is below:
%Heston Parameters
S0 = 100;
T = 1;
k = 1.5768;
sigma = 0.0571;
v0 = 0.0175;
vb = 0.0398;
%Hull-White parameters
lambda = 0.05;
r0 = 0.07;
theta = 0.07;
eta = 0.005;
pxv = - 0.5711;
pxr = 0.2;
pvr = 0;
tau = T;
cf = @(t) (1/(4*k))*sigma^2*(1-exp(-k*t));
d = (4*k*vb)/(sigma^2);
lambdaf = @(t) (4*k*v0*exp(-k*t))./(sigma^2*(1-exp(-k*t)));
lambdaC = @(t) sqrt(cf(t).*(lambdaf(t)-1) + cf(t)*d + (cf(t)*d)./(2*(d+lambdaf(t))));
D1 = @(u) sqrt((sigma*pxv*1i*u-k).^2 - sigma^2*1i*u.*(1i*u-1));
g = @(u) (k-sigma*pxv*1i*u - D1(u))./(k-sigma*pxv*1i*u + D1(u));
B = @(u,tau) 1i*u;
C = @(u,tau) (1i*u-1)*(1/lambda)*(1-exp(-lambda*tau));
D = @(u,tau) ((1 -exp(-D1(u)*tau))./(sigma^2*(1-g(u).*exp(-D1(u)*tau)))).*(k-sigma*pxv*1i*u-D1(u));
%ODE's that are solved numerically
muxi = @(t) (1/(2*sqrt(2)))*(gamma(0.5*(1+d))/sqrt(cf(t)))*(hypergeom(-0.5,0.5*d,-0.5*lambdaf(t))*(1/gamma(0.5*d))*sigma^2*exp(-k*t)*0.5 + hypergeom(0.5,1+0.5*d,-0.5*lambdaf(t))*(1/gamma(1+0.5*d))*((v0*k)/(1-exp(k*t))));
phixi = @(t) sqrt(k*(vb-v0)*exp(-k*t) - 2*lambdaC(t)*muxi(t));
u = 10;
EODE = @(tau,y) pxr*eta*B(u,tau)*C(u,tau) + phixi(T-tau)*pxv*B(u,tau)*y + sigma*phixi(T-tau)*D(u,tau)*y;
AODE = @(tau,y) k*vb*D(u,tau) + lambda*theta*C(u,tau) + muxi(T-tau)*E() +eta^2*0.5*C(u,tau)^2 + (phixi(T-tau))^2*0.5*E()^2;
%what do i put in for E() in the line above?
[tau, E] = ode45(EODE,[0 T],0);

Respuestas (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi el 26 de Nov. de 2018
Editada: madhan ravi el 26 de Nov. de 2018
option 1;
E(~isnan(E)) %removes nan values
option 2;
Let even function play the role it stops the evaluation when solution become a NaN
%Heston Parameters
S0 = 100;
T = 1;
k = 1.5768;
sigma = 0.0571;
v0 = 0.0175;
vb = 0.0398;
%Hull-White parameters
lambda = 0.05;
r0 = 0.07;
theta = 0.07;
eta = 0.005;
pxv = - 0.5711;
pxr = 0.2;
pvr = 0;
tau = T;
cf = @(t) (1/(4*k))*sigma^2*(1-exp(-k*t));
d = (4*k*vb)/(sigma^2);
lambdaf = @(t) (4*k*v0*exp(-k*t))./(sigma^2*(1-exp(-k*t)));
lambdaC = @(t) sqrt(cf(t).*(lambdaf(t)-1) + cf(t)*d + (cf(t)*d)./(2*(d+lambdaf(t))));
D1 = @(u) sqrt((sigma*pxv*1i*u-k).^2 - sigma^2*1i*u.*(1i*u-1));
g = @(u) (k-sigma*pxv*1i*u - D1(u))./(k-sigma*pxv*1i*u + D1(u));
B = @(u,tau) 1i*u;
C = @(u,tau) (1i*u-1)*(1/lambda)*(1-exp(-lambda*tau));
D = @(u,tau) ((1 -exp(-D1(u)*tau))./(sigma^2*(1-g(u).*exp(-D1(u)*tau)))).*(k-sigma*pxv*1i*u-D1(u));
%ODE's that are solved numerically
muxi = @(t) (1/(2*sqrt(2)))*(gamma(0.5*(1+d))/sqrt(cf(t)))*(hypergeom(-0.5,0.5*d,-0.5*lambdaf(t))*(1/gamma(0.5*d))*sigma^2*exp(-k*t)*0.5 + hypergeom(0.5,1+0.5*d,-0.5*lambdaf(t))*(1/gamma(1+0.5*d))*((v0*k)/(1-exp(k*t))));
phixi = @(t) sqrt(k*(vb-v0)*exp(-k*t) - 2*lambdaC(t)*muxi(t));
u = 10;
EODE = @(tau,y) pxr*eta*B(u,tau)*C(u,tau) + phixi(T-tau)*pxv*B(u,tau)*y + sigma*phixi(T-tau)*D(u,tau)*y;
AODE = @(tau,y) k*vb*D(u,tau) + lambda*theta*C(u,tau) + muxi(T-tau)*E() +eta^2*0.5*C(u,tau)^2 + (phixi(T-tau))^2*0.5*E()^2;
%what do i put in for E() in the line above?
opts = odeset('Events',@stopfunc) %it will stop integration when distance becomes zero
[tau, E] = ode45(EODE,[0 T],0,opts); %function call
function [position,isterminal,direction] = stopfunc(t,x) %function definition
position = x(1); % The value that we want to be zero
isterminal = 1; % Halt integration
direction = ~isnumeric(x(1)); % The zero can be approached from either direction
  3 comentarios
madhan ravi
madhan ravi el 26 de Nov. de 2018
Perfect Torsten ! , you are the man!
Riaz Patel
Riaz Patel el 26 de Nov. de 2018
Thanks guys!
So if im understanding correctly, you are writing this as a system of ODE's? what does the y(1) mean?
Secondly, why does this piece of code below not work? And how do you save the output? Do you get an output for E,A and tau? Sorry, I am new to solving differential equations numerically.
ode45(EAODE,[0 T],[0 0]);

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