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Composite System Object for Code Generation or use in Simulink

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I've built a composite System Object with the goal, to provide a 'parallel' FIR filter with a parameterizable number of parallel channels to my Simulink model:
classdef ParallelFIR < matlab.System
% parallel_fir takes a matrix of taps and applies them to matrices of
% inputs, where each matrix column is a channel
% Public, tunable properties
Taps = [0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5];
properties(Access = private)
function obj = ParallelFIR(varargin)
if nargin == 1
setProperties(obj, 2, 'Taps', varargin{1});
setProperties(obj, nargin, varargin{:});
methods(Access = protected)
function setupImpl(obj)
c = size(obj.Taps, 1);
obj.fir_channel = cell(c, 1);
for i = 1:c
obj.fir_channel{i} = dsp.FIRFilter(obj.Taps(i,:));
function validateInputsImpl(obj, in)
assert(size(in, 1) == size(obj.Taps, 1), "taps and input are required to have the same number of channels");
function y = stepImpl(obj,u)
y = zeros(size(u));
for i = 1:size(obj.Taps, 1)
y(i,:) = step(obj.fir_channel{i}, u(i,:));
function resetImpl(obj)
for i = 1:size(obj.Taps, 1)
Whenever I try to use the system object in a Simulink MATLAB System Block or to generate C++ code for a script using the system object, I get the following error:
Cannot compute constant value for argument #1 for this System object constructor. All arguments to the constructor of this System object must be constants for code generation. One way to supply a constant value is to pass it to the main function using Simulink non-tunable parameters (for MATLAB Function block) or coder.newtype('constant',...) (for MATLAB Coder). The error occurred for MATLAB System block 'Subsystem/MATLAB System'. See line 29, column 38 in file 'ParallelFIR.m'.
Line 29 is the one with
obj.fir_channel{i} = dsp.FIRFilter(obj.Taps(i,:));
How can I implement the parallel FIR to be usable for Simulink System Blocks?

Respuesta aceptada

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen el 27 de Nov. de 2018
Editada: Honglei Chen el 27 de Nov. de 2018
If you don't intend to change your Taps during the simulation, you may want to consider setting it as Nontunable, like
properties (Nontunable)
Taps = [0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5];
Also it may be helpful to share your code generation script as well as your code generation command.
  4 comentarios
Constantin Runge
Constantin Runge el 27 de Nov. de 2018
Thank you very much. Where can I find the objects implementation?
Yes, the Discrete FIR Filter Block does support multiple filters. But only for sample-based processing. I am working in a frame-based domain. Thus I believe I have to implement my own multi-channel FIR.
Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen el 27 de Nov. de 2018
Oh, sorry, I mean the doc
See where they talked about NumeratorSource.

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