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SOM interpretation discrepacy between data and plot

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Jacopo Cantoni
Jacopo Cantoni el 11 de Dic. de 2018
Hi, I am having some trouble with the reading the results from a self organizing maps. I have created a SOM from a time series of water discharges and and water quality I'm traying of devide the year in two different periods. To do that I had add as a variable the time (as progressive days of my time sereies from 1 to 323). and this are the
results the input 21 is the time.
I have identified two group of data by deviding them on tha diagonal line from top left to bottom right. but than while I was goin to look on the values of the specific cell I have di scovered that don´t mach with the graph. to explain the value of the unic solution that belong to farest cell in the bottom right corner (bright yellow) have a value of 309, while the value of the element that belong to the first cell of the second row from the top (almost back) have a value of 205. Do you have any clue on which is the reason?

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