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find angle between lines

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
OriAlpha el 25 de Dic. de 2018
Editada: madhan ravi el 25 de Dic. de 2018
i need to find the angles between lines
how can i do in code
  1 comentario
John D'Errico
John D'Errico el 25 de Dic. de 2018
Editada: John D'Errico el 25 de Dic. de 2018
As a hint:
That will suffice. Why not try it?
Or, you could find the inclination of each line, best done using atan2. Then subtract. That too will work, as long as you are careful.

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madhan ravi
madhan ravi el 25 de Dic. de 2018
  5 comentarios
OriAlpha el 25 de Dic. de 2018
dont get me wrong can u formulate for 3 points
madhan ravi
madhan ravi el 25 de Dic. de 2018
Editada: madhan ravi el 25 de Dic. de 2018
x = [800 905]; % common point
y = [250 330];
a = [800 905]; % common point
b = [825 333];
angle_between = (atan((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1)))...
- atan((b(2)-b(1))/(a(2)-a(1)))) * 180/pi % in degrees

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