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How to remove a percentage of image counting from the bottom to top

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I want to subtract a portion of image (e.g. 30% of it from the top). How do I do that?
If I do, something like this,
img = (croppedImage - (croppedImage.*0.3));
I usually get a 30% deduction from the bottom of it. I want this deduction to be from the top.
Moreover, I need a method to translate the deduction to number of rows. To be known, how many pixel rows this 30% of the image is.
Any ideas please?
  1 comentario
Rik el 30 de En. de 2019
Do you want to change the size of your image, or the ensities that make up that image?

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Mark Sherstan
Mark Sherstan el 30 de En. de 2019
Editada: Mark Sherstan el 30 de En. de 2019
Look at the example I wrote for you below. Use the size function and realize that imcrop takes an array in the form of [xPosition yPosition width height] where the (0,0) point is the top left corner of your image.
I = imread('test.png');
[height width dims] = size(I);
J = imcrop(I,[0 floor(height*0.3) width height-floor(height*0.3)]);
subplot(1,2,1); imshow(I)
subplot(1,2,2); imshow(J)
  3 comentarios
Mark Sherstan
Mark Sherstan el 30 de En. de 2019
Glad it worked! You could do something along the lines of this:
I = imread('test.png');
[height width dims] = size(I);
rows30 = floor(height*0.3) % I used floor but you can use ceil, round, etc...

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