Measure the length of the spiral object in the photo
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how can i measure the length of the spiral loop with image processing? The following is my input image.

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Respuestas (1)
el 25 de Nov. de 2024
To measure the length of the black spiral object, you may use the following image processing pipeline in MATLAB:

The steps can be summarized as:
- Convert to grayscale: Since the image is a dark object against a bright background, we can convert it to grayscale without any meaningful loss of data. This is done using rgb2gray function.
- Increase the contrast of the image: This is done to saturate the lower and higher 10% of intensity. This is done using imadjust function.
- Binarize and negate the image: This step converts the adjusted grayscale image into a binary image using adaptive thresholding. The image is then negated to ensure the object of interest is white against a black background.
- Remove smaller components: Small noise and irrelevant components are removed from the binary image using the bwareaopen function, which retains only the components larger than a specified size.
- Morphological closing: This operation is performed to close small gaps in the binary image, using a disk-shaped structuring element. It helps in connecting disjointed parts of the object.
- Skeletonization: The binary image is reduced to a skeletal form using the bwskel function, which preserves the topology of the object while reducing it to a single-pixel-wide representation.
This can be done in MATLAB using the following code snippet:
% Read the image from the specified path
image = imread('path\to\image.jpeg');
% Convert the image to grayscale
grayImage = rgb2gray(image);
% Increase the contrast of the grayscale image
adjustedGrayImage = imadjust(grayImage);
% Binarize the image using adaptive thresholding and negate it
bwImage = imbinarize(adjustedGrayImage, 'adaptive', 'ForegroundPolarity', 'dark', 'Sensitivity', 0.4);
bwImage = ~bwImage;
% Remove small objects from the binary image
bwImage = bwareaopen(bwImage, 100);
% Perform morphological closing to fill small gaps
bwImage = imclose(bwImage, strel('disk', 5));
% Skeletonize the binary image
skeleton = bwskel(bwImage);
% Prune the skeleton to remove small spurs
prunedSkeleton = bwmorph(skeleton, 'spur', 20);
% Label the connected components in the pruned skeleton
[labeledSkeleton, num] = bwlabel(prunedSkeleton);
% Measure the area of each component
componentLengths = regionprops(labeledSkeleton, 'Area');
% Find the largest component based on area
[~, largestIdx] = max([componentLengths.Area]);
% Extract the largest skeleton component
largestSkeleton = ismember(labeledSkeleton, largestIdx);
You can learn more about the functions used here:
The identified arc of the spiral is shown below:

Then, the length of the spiral can be estimated as:
length = scale*sum(largestSkeleton(:))
It should be noted that the length of the spiral may not exactly match the real data as there may be imperfections/artefacts in the image. You may fine-tune this by adjusting the parameters in the pipeline.
See if it helps you.
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