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how to write a table 1*4 which is inside a for loop into excel?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Apoorva Maiya
Apoorva Maiya el 25 de Jul. de 2019
Hello, I have a table S of size 1*4 inside a for loop which iterates 45 times. I want to store the values in the table for each iteration in an excel sheet.I want the values stored in a new row as the loop iterates, yet i dont want the table heading for every iteration. To sum it up, i want the table heading in the first row of the excel sheet and the values of each iteration in the subsequent rows. So far i have this can someone please help me with this code? what am i doing wrong? what should i have done?
for ii=1:c3
e1= graycoprops(g1);
S=struct2table(e1); % 1*4 table
tableHeaders = {'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity' }; %header for the table
filename = 'laws1.xlsx';
sheet = 1;
xlRange = 'A1';
xlswrite(filename, tableHeaders, sheet, xlRange); %writing table headers into excel sheet
mainArrayToWrite = [S.Contrast.', S.Correlation', S.Energy.', S.Homogeneity.']; %table values
filename = 'laws1.xlsx';
sheet = 1;
xlswrite(filename, mainArrayToWrite, sheet, xlRange); %writng the table values into excel sheet
Thankyou in advance.

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