Plotting a 2D crystal lattice from two primitive lattice vectors

42 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I am trying generate a plot of a crystal lattice based on two prmitive lattice vectors:
v1= -0.5i + -sqrt(3)/2j
v2= 1i
where i and j are orhtogonal unit vecotors to represent the x and y directions.
I am not sure where to begin.
  2 comentarios
Jennifer Garrison
Jennifer Garrison el 8 de Sept. de 2019
It only needs to be 2D but yes. I basically need to define my own coordinate system that is not the standard cartesian one with those vectors and display the lattice points like you did.

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John D'Errico
John D'Errico el 8 de Sept. de 2019
First, you need to understand that MATLAB does not understand what you intend by this notation:
v1= -0.5i + -sqrt(3)/2j
Both i and j are sqrt(-1) in MATLAB. They are not distinct. Instead, just write them as vectors:
v1= [-0.5, -sqrt(3)/2];
v2= [1 , 0];
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:10,0:5);
xy = [x(:),y(:)];
T = [v1;v2];
xyt = xy*T;
xt = reshape(xyt(:,1),size(x));
yt = reshape(xyt(:,2),size(y));
hold on
axis equal
axis square
  3 comentarios
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson el 29 de Abr. de 2020
Simply extend John's or my suggestion to 3-D. You can call meshgrid (or ndgrid) with 3 inputs and 3 outputs:
[i1,j2,k3] = meshgrid(0:3,0:4,0:2);
Then define your 3 lattice-vectors, and use plot3 to plot the grid.
savitha muthanna
savitha muthanna el 16 de Ag. de 2021
@John D'Errico Would you know the primitive lattice vectors to generate a hex lattice with triangular(equilateral) cells?

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Más respuestas (2)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson el 8 de Sept. de 2019
If you do it stepwise it becomes "not too tricky":
e1 = [-0.5; -sqrt(3)/2]; % Your unit
e2 = [1; 0]; % vectors
[I1,I2] = meshgrid(-10:10,-8:8); % A 2-D set of points
r_crystal = [e1,e2]*[I1(:)';I2(:)']; % calculate r_c = n*e1 + m*e2 for all points
You can dood.e with how big crystal you want or what shape, but this should give you something.

Yarlapati Akshay
Yarlapati Akshay el 30 de Abr. de 2020


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