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How To Combine Cropped Image to the Original Image?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
WanYu el 8 de Feb. de 2020
Comentada: KSSV el 10 de Feb. de 2020
Hi All,
I have cropped out a part from my original image and wish to combine it back to the original image.
A 36 by 36 image is cropped from the original image, A then I wish to combine it back to the exact position as it was cropped earlier.
Code as shown:
square = [55 88 35 35];
A = imread (label);
A = imcrop(A, square);
Anyone could please tell me how...
Thank you.

Respuesta aceptada

KSSV el 8 de Feb. de 2020
I = imread('cameraman.tif') ; % read image
[I1,rect] = imcrop(I) ; % crop the image
nx = round(rect(1)) ; % location
ny = round(rect(2)) ; % location
w = size(I1,2) ; % width
h = size(I1,1) ; % height
% replace
I(ny:ny+h-1,nx:nx+w-1,:) = I1+100 ;
  2 comentarios
WanYu el 8 de Feb. de 2020
Thanks for answering.
However, I do face errors as: Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 108-by-36-by-3 and the size of the right side is 36-by-36-by-3.
My code is shown as below:
square_x = 55;
square_y = 88;
square = [square_x square_y 35 35];
A = imread (label);
A = imcrop(A, square);
I am trying to replace the cropped image with a new image at the same coordinates as the cropped image, so there is "rgb2".
[width height] = size(rgb2);
A(square_y : (square_y + height - 1), square_x : (square_x + width - 1), :) = rgb2;
KSSV el 10 de Feb. de 2020
square_x = 55;
square_y = 88;
square = [square_x square_y 35 35];
A = imread (label);
rgb2 = imcrop(A, square);
[width height] = size(rgb2);
A(square_y : (square_y + height - 1), square_x : (square_x + width - 1), :) = rgb2;

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