How can I link a scroll-bar GUI with the mathematical code I have written?

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I am trying to write a program using GUIDE that has several scroll-bars. The program is going to plot a interference pattern of two point-sources of light varying certain variables using the scroll-bars. I have the math part of the code working and have some sort of the GUI as well. However, I cannot seem to get the two working together. The scroll-bars wont seem to vary the math part of the code.
If anybody could give me any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
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Nicholas el 19 de Nov. de 2012
I'm not exactly sure what your question here is, however I can tell you that by default the sliders update only when the mouse button is released. A few weeks ago, though, I found some code on here that added "real time sliders". I can't find the exact link right now, but I have the code that I used.
function figure1_WindowButtonMotionFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to figure1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
obj = get(YOURMAINFIGUREWINDOW, 'CurrentObject');
if ~isempty(obj)
set(YOURSLIDERHANDLE, 'Value', round(num2str(get(YOURSLIDERHANDLE, 'Value')) / 5)* 5 ) ); %%I was rounding the value here
set(SOMEDISPLAYHANDLE, 'String', num2str(get(YOURSLIDERHANDLE, 'Value'))); %%This line sets the handle value to an output
What this does is find which object your mouse is hovering over, and if it's a slider, it replaces a display value with that number. Instead of replacing a display value, you could perform a math function.
This should work, if not, I apologize as I'm not really a qualified expert.

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Matt Fig
Matt Fig el 19 de Nov. de 2012
Editada: Matt Fig el 19 de Nov. de 2012
Here is an example GUI that does something similar. You should be able to adapt it fairly easily...
function [S] = gui_scrollplot()
% Scroll through various Taylor approximations to exp(x)
S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[500 500 320 460],...
'resize','off'); = uicontrol('style','slide',...
'position',[290 10 20 440],...
'sliderstep',[1/8 1/8],...
S.V = 1; % The value of the slider.
S.x = -2:.01:2; % Make plot of exponential function. = axes('units','pix',...
'pos',[30 30 250 400],...
hold on
S.L = plot(S.x,1,'r');
axis([-2 2 -1 9])
S.T = title('e^{x} and 1 term Taylor');
S.FUN = @(x,y) x.^y./factorial(y); % Taylor approx
guidata(S.fh,S) % Save the handles structure.
if ~nargout
clear S
function [] = sl_call(varargin)
% Callback for slider.
S = guidata(gcbf);
V = get(,'value');
if ~V
D = ones(size(S.x));
D = sum(bsxfun(S.FUN,S.x,(0:V).'));
set(S.T,'string',sprintf('e^{x} and %i term Taylor',V+1))
  1 comentario
Caleb Pocock
Caleb Pocock el 19 de Nov. de 2012
Here is the code that I have written so far. i was able to get one of the scroll-bars to change the data I want changed. However, I cant seem to get any more to work with the other data.
function ex_uicontrol
% Example code for uicontrol reference page
% Create a figure and an axes to contain a 3-D surface plot.
hax = axes('Units','pixels');
% Add a slider uicontrol to control the vertical scaling of the
% surface object. Position it under the Clear button.
uicontrol('Style', 'slider',...
'Position', [400 20 120 20],...
'Callback', {@surfzlim,hax});
% Slider function handle callback
% Implemented as a local function
function surfzlim(hObj,event,ax) %#ok<INUSL>
% Variables
% Angles in radians
d = 50^-3; % separation
ss = .1; % screen size
a = 0; % alpha angle
b = 0; % beta angle
g = 0; % gamma angle
ra = [cos(a) sin(a) 0; -sin(a) cos(a) 0; 0 0 1]; % alpha rotation matrix
rb = [1 0 0; 0 cos(b) sin(b); 0 -sin(b) cos(b)]; % beta rotation matrix
rg = [cos(g) sin(g) 0; -sin(g) cos(g) 0; 0 0 1]; % gamma rotation matrix
rotation = ra*rb*rg; % total rotation matrix
source1 = [0 d/2 0]*rotation; % source1 vector
source2 = [0 (-d/2) 0]*rotation; % source2 vector
sdim = linspace(-ss/2, ss/2, 1000); % screen array
%%%%%%%%%%%%%START%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Added 111512 TDM
[sdimX sdimY] = meshgrid(sdim, sdim);
S = .1; % distance to screen
wavelength = get(hObj,'Value'); % wavelength of light
opd = zeros(1000, 1000); % optical path difference
l = 1;
k = 1;
screen = zeros(length(sdim), 1, length(sdim));
%%%%%%%%%%%%%START%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Added 111512 TDM
%try this
OPL1 = ((source1(1)-sdimX).^2 + (source1(2)-sdimY).^2 + (source1(3)-S).^2).^(0.5);
OPL2 = ((source2(1)-sdimX).^2 + (source2(2)-sdimY).^2 + (source2(3)-S).^2).^(0.5);
opd = OPL1 - OPL2;
% while l <= length(sdim)
% while k <= length(sdim)
% opd(l, k) = abs(sqrt((sdim(l) - source1(1))^2 + (S - source1(2))^2 + (sdim(k) - source1(3))^2) - sqrt((sdim(l) - source2(1))^2 + (S - source2(2))^2 + (sdim(k) - source2(3))^2));
% k = k + 1;
% end
% k = 1;
% l = l + 1;
% end
n = opd/wavelength - floor(opd/wavelength);
I = cos(2*pi*n) + 1;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%START%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Added 111512 TDM
figure(10);imagesc(sdim,sdim,I);colormap(gray);axis image
So looking at this I was able to vary wavelength with the scroll-bar. I would like to add several more to be able to vary d, ss, a, b, g, and S.

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