I tried using this. http://people.clarkson.edu/~wwilcox/ES100/eqsolve.htm "Here are the steps to find a solution numerically:
Convert the equation to a function consisting of everything moved to the left-hand side, e.g. func2(x) = sin(x)-1/2. Create this function in the MATLAB editor, save to the Current Directory, and make certain the current directory is in the path (File / Set Path). For example:
function out = func2(x) out = sin(x) - 1/2; end
Plot this function over the range of interest to see where the solutions are, e.g.:
>> clear, x = - 4:0.01:4; plot(x,func2(x))
Use one of the following formats to find the solution:
>> fzero('func2',3) or >> fzero(@func2,3) or >> fzero('func2', [2,3])
MATLAB finds the value of x nearest 3 that gives func2 = 0. Notice (“whos” or Workspace) that the result is double, so no conversions are necessary for subsequent numeric calculations."
However I received this error.
ans =
>> m = - 4:0.01:4; plot(m,func2(m))
??? Error using ==> plot
Conversion to double from function_handle is not possible.